Bed and Breakfast

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I woke up to the sound of movement downstairs and the smell of bacon. I threw my cheers off my body and didn't bother to see what I looked like in the mirror. For one minute if or got that Niall was my boyfriend, and the fact that he said he was coming over today. I tromped down the stairs and head towards the dining room. I froze when I saw Niall and my dad chatting it up. Did I run back upstairs and change? Surely they heard me. I looked like a wreck I know I did. "Hey there she is!" My dad said loudly. Oh god. Someone help me. "Nice pajamas." My dad said poking me in the side as he set the table. Niall was trying not to snicker. Duck pants and my oversized gray sweater.

"I'll be back." I said rushing back up into my room. I raced back up the stairs and closed my door but not before I heard their roaring laughter. I groaned quietly as in stripped off my pajamas and traded them for a a plain black t-shirt and some skinny jeans. I headed toward the bathroom and pulled my hairs out of my ponytail. I ran my brush through my tangles and pushed my bangs away from my face. I brushed my teeth even though I was about to eat. Niall might kiss me beforehand. You could never be too careful.

When I felt that was more presentable then I was five minutes ago I walked back downstairs. My mom as their a tight lipped smile on her face. I knew she would, talk to me about this after. Not that it was really my idea. Niall just sort of showed up out of the blue. I knew he was coming I just thought it would be later in the day. At that moment there was a commotion at the front door. Victoria was here.

"I hope you've made enough food for an army because I'm starving." Se called as she came into the dining room. She noticed Niall as she hugged me. "Oh hey Niall! Now I really hope that you made enough food for an army." Niall and I laughed and my mom said something under her breath. It sounded like she said,

"What is this? A bed and breakfast?" I was confirmed of this suspicion when my dad replied with.

"They would have to pay us if it was." He kissed her cheek and placed the pancakes down on the table. My mom smiled even though i knew she was not liking the idea of having Niall over. We all took our seats and Niall murmured something to me. "I

take it your mom doesn't like that i'm here." he said. I shrugged at him.

"She has nothing against you as far as i know It's just that.." he cut me off.

"It's a bit early." i nodded.

"Stop whispering." Victoria whispered into my ear. I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. Breakfast was as normal as it could be. Niall and Victoria ate everything. What i had on my plate was it, not that it wasn't a lot but it was less than what they had. They went back for seconds and thirds. My parents were amazed. We loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and i turned it on.

Usually Victoria and i would go back upstairs and talk about everything while i tried to unsuccessfully do my homework. With Niall there it was going to be a bit different. I grabbed my backpack and all my schoolwork and we went out into my backyard. They both stretched out on the lawn chairs in the sun while i sat on a rather uncomfortable chair at the table. They started to talk about random things and every now and then they would laugh. It was very hard to concentrate on my homework. They would laugh and i would look up wanting to know what was funny. they included me in conversation but knew i should just be left alone for a bit. I had reached a frustrating math problem. In disgust, mostly at myself, i shut the book closed and tossed the paper and pencil away.

"Hey. What's the matter?" Niall asked getting up and coming to stand by me.

"Nothing." i said slouching in my chair.

"It's just math. She's not as good at it as she thinks she is." Victoria said mildly. It's weird how well we know each other.

"Let me see." i tried not to laugh and he noticed. "Hey i was in school once too. Let me see come on. I was good at math." With a sigh i hand it over to him. He stares at it puzzled for a bit. He flips back and forth between examples and the problems i've already done. Realization seems to dawn on him then he's writing everything out and handing it back to me.

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