Nighttime and Necklace

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I awoke to the sound of tapping at my window. What the..? I had the odd sense of de ja vu. Tapping at my window. Niall? No. He was in San Francisco. I turned over on my side telling myself it was a all in my head that i had dreamt the sound. There it was again. The small tapping like someone throwing rocks at my window. Rubbing my eyes i threw off my covers and listened. Tap. Tap. Could it be Alison or Victoria? They've done this once or twice. Must be really urgent. I wonder how long they've been out there. With a sigh i threw back my covers and set my feet on the ground. I stood up and made my way toward the window. I looked out and saw a flash of blonde. Alison. I sighed and opened my window. "What is it Alison!" i said trying not to be loud. Instead of Alison's familiar singsong voice i heard a deeper accented one.

"Forgotten my name already love?" I blinked in shock. Niall?! What the heck. He was in San Francisco.

"I'm dreaming." i said in my normal voice. i slapped my cheeks trying to wake myself up. Nope. I was awake. Definitely awake.

"Come now love. Are you going to let me stand out here in the cold?" Niall asked. I put a finger to my lips.

"Shh. My parents! The neighborhood! I'm coming down." i told him. Niall flashed a brilliant smile. I pulled myself back in and closed the window. Why was he here. Had he lied to me? Oh man was i going to kill him. Grabbing a pair of shoes and slipping on an oversized jacket i slipped down the stairs as quietly and as quickly as i could. My hand touched the knob for the font door i stopped. Maybe we should talk in the backyard. Deciding against going out into the front yard i turned on my heal and went into the dining room and headed for the glass door. Unlocking it i slid it open silently then went to the wooden gate on the side of my house closest to my room. It opened with a creak and i came around the side of the house.

"Niall!" i called out in a loud whisper. He turned around in a circle before spotting me. I tried not to laugh. He jogged toward me and slipped his arms around my waist. He pressed me up against the wall and kissed me. At first my anger melted away. This was Niall even if he had lied to me i was still head over heels for him. Unfortunately my head and my heart weren't on the same page. I pushed Niall away and punched him in the arm.

"OW!" Niall said loudly rubbing his arm confused. I'm sure my face was bright red.

"You lied." i said walking into my backyard. Niall ran after me.

"Yeah but aren't you happy i'm here?" Niall asked still confused as he locked the gate behind him.

"You still lied." i said not being able to come up with a better excuse.

"Aren't you surprised?" Niall asked. turned to face him.

"Yeah." i said with a smile planting a kiss on his cheek. As i was turning back around he put his hands on my waist stopping me. I looked back up at him. He was grinning like a maniac.

"I missed you." he said lowly as he kissed me. Fireworks. As usual. Niall literally took my breath away. I wondered if it was like this with every guy you liked. I wondered if he felt the same thing i did when we kissed. I put my arms around his neck. He had a tight grip on me like i was about to fall. I broke away and just hugged him burying my face in his shoulder.

"I missed you too." i murmured. We stood there like that for god knows how long. When we finally let go i suddenly realized how cold it was outside. Niall ran a hand through his blonde hair. His roots were showing already.

"I don't know how we're going to survive a week or even a month without each other." Niall said looking at me like i might disappear any second.

"I had the same thought earlier today." i told him. Niall smiled wide and pulled me to his side. He steered us toward the lounge chairs under my patio. We sat down next to each other on one and Niall kiss my forehead not letting his arm fall form my shoulders. "How was San Francisco?" i asked. Niall shrugged.

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