Adam and Anger

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Sorry that it's short



"Soooo.." I said glancing over at Niall.

"Hmm?" he replied pursing his lips, eyebrows raised. He looked adorable.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking back at my lap and fiddling with my hands.

"You mean after we get food?" He questioned. I nodded.

"It's a surprise." Niall said with a small laugh.

"Come on! I can't even get a hint." I groaned, begging just a little. Niall shook his head and zipped up his lips. Which made me laugh. He pulled out a piece of paper and started looking at it. I couldn't really read it but I was positive that was a girls hand writing. "What's that?" I asked, not wanting it to be silent and awkward.

"Honestly, it's a list of date ideas." Niall said turning a bit red. "Eleanor wrote it for me. She's full of great ideas." he smiled.

"I'm sure she is. By the way, can you tell her Victoria and I will give you her clothes to give back to her when we get back to my house." he slowly shook his head.

"She uhh. Wants you guys to come back." I stared at him surprised. Eleanor is really cool I just didn't expect her to want to be friends with us even though we bonded really well.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"She's desperate for some girl friends out here. She loves Louis and all but she can't complain or talk about Louis to Louis and it would be a bit odd if she came to us." Niall said with a shrug. I nodded as we pulled into a parking lot.

Niall got out of the car and held out his hand for me. I was blushing before my hand even touched his. I felt the same electric shock I had when he touched my hair. Just like the ones I got every time our fingers would brush and our shoulders would touch. Which was totally uncalled for. I had no idea what I was thinking. I let go as I touched the ground but he took my hand again and shut the door. My face was burning red. I've never really blushed in front of anyone before. What was it about Niall that made me do so? I had left my bag in the car but had brought out my wallet. I refused to be the kind of girl who always lets the guy pay. Even if Niall was rich, even if he was the prince of Wales I would still try to pay.

We looked at the menu inside and Niall told me to get whatever I wanted. He said he would literally eat anything. The same goes for me as well. There was this pizza they were advertising that looked really amazing. Maui Medley or something close to that. It had ham, bacon, tomatoes, pineapple and red and green onions on it. "Is that ok." I asked pointing over at it. He nodded as we walked up to the register.

"Welcome to the Table Top may I take..." the guy stopped speaking when he looked up at me. He was staring at me really intensly. I must admit he was really cute. Light brown hair and bright hazel eyes. There was a tattoo on his arm of something. I tried not to squirm under his gaze as I ordered.

"Yes can I have the Maui pizza you're advertising." he was still staring at me. He blinked a couple times then smiled brightly

"What size?" he asked leaning in a little. I looked back at Niall

"Medium ok?" Niall nodded. He was too busy glaring down the guy at the register. What was going on? "Medium." I repeated. "With bread sticks and two small Dr. Peppers." I turned to look at Niall again. "You like Dr. Pepper right?" I asked.

"Yeah." he replied gruffly. The guy typed this all in hardly glancing at the keys.

"Here or to go?" he questioned.

"Here." I replied at the time Niall said,

"To go." I blinked in surprise and looked over at him. Niall was still glaring at him. The guy didn't seem to notice. Simply handed me a stand up number and a slip of paper.

"Have a seat and we'll be right with you." he winked. What?

"Thanks" i said steppng away. Niall threw him a fifty and grabbed my elbow a bit roughly as he steered me toward a table. He sat down across from me, scowling. "What was that?" I asked a bit too loud. Nobody turned to look at us, at least I hopped nobody did. "I was going to pay." I said with a small frown. Niall looked at me and burst out laughing. "I don't see what's so funny." I snapped. Opps. That was harsh. Nial took it into stride and chuckeled.

"He was hitting on you." he told me lightly waiting for a reaction.

"He was not." I felt myself blush. "

He was." Niall confirmed. I was still clutching the number and.. The slip of paper...? I opened it. 909-142-7689 call me babe -Adam "What's that?" Niall asked.

"His number.. I think." I replied looking back at, apparently, Adam. He was still looking at me even though he was taking an order. I watched Adam wink again and return his attention to the customer. I turned back to Niall who looked like he was about to punch something. "Woah! Calm Down." I said grabbing his hand as he stood up. He looked down at me. "I'm on a date with you. Not him." I reminded him, throwing the number into a trash can nearby. Niall sat down looking a bit more relaxed now.

"Sorry." he said shyly. "Don't know what came over me." he messed with my hand turning it over and tracing the lines on my palm.

"It's ok." I replied squezzing his hand. Niall smiled.

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