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"What's with you two huh?" Changmin asked to his two daughters.

"Nothing, dad. Just a tiring day." Yeji said, and headed to her bedroom.

"Kang Ryujin, sit here for a moment." He said, sipping on his coffee.

"What's up?" She said looking away.

"I know something's up, spill." He said, as he gave his full attention to Ryujin.

"Well.. Yeji and I kinda argued."

"Why did you two fight?"

"A girl. We like the same girl at school." Ryujin said and pouted.

"I see. Have you two talked about this or what?"

"Not yet. And I don't know how to face her, since it has been 2 weeks when I catched feelings for Lia."

"Lia? Sounds familiar.."

"Huh? Anyways, I don't know, should I drop my feelings for Lia?" Ryujin asked. "I don't like fighting with Yeji." She added.

"I don't want the both of you to fight as well. But I never raised a Kang to give up. It's up to you, my dear. Now go to your room, I'll have a quick talk with Yeji as well." Changmin said and Ryujin bowed as she went away.

"Dad, what is it, I told you already it's nothing."

"Ryujin said otherwise, tho?" Changmin said and Yeji rolled her eyes.

"Yah, don't roll your eyes, and don't fight with your sister. Beside, it's up to Lia, to decide who she'll like back. You two, be peaceful with each other and don't make a fuss around, alright? Be civil." He said and Yeji nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"Be sorry with Ryu, not me, Yej. I want the best for you both, and I don't want you two to fight. Aight?" He said, and showed his fist.

"Bro fist." Yeji said laughing and did the bro fist with her dad.

"Aight, all settled alright? Be. Civil. With. Each. Other." He said and dismissed Yeji.

"Aigoo, kids nowadays really.." he said, fixing his hair and sipped on his coffee.


"Bae Lia! Where do you think you're going!!" Joohyun said.


"Without hugging your favorite unnie!!!" Joohyun said and opened her arms.

"You're embarrassing me! Ugh, fine." Lia said, and hugged her sister. "Besides, you're my only unnie, I can't call Yerim that?" Lia said laughing.

"Aigoo, when you were little you always liked when I'd hug you, now.. you ungrateful kid.." Joohyun said, fake hurting.

"Lia!" Two voices said in unison, and the two sisters looked to where the voices were coming from.

"Are those... Ryujin and Yeji?"

"Huh? How do you kno-- oh right. Do they know y--"

"JOOHYUN UNNIE?!" The two sisters said in surprise.

"I guess they do." Lia said and looked at the three.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here? And how do y'all know my sister?" Joohyun said confused.

"Aigoo, we're classmates!" Ryujin said and laughed a little.

"I see.. well, that's good!"

"Unnie, it's getting late, we have to go in now." Lia said, hugging her once more and dragged the two Kangs with her.

"Aigoo, study hard guys!" Joohyun said and cheered them.

She then fished her phone out and messaged her boyfriend.

Well well well, I think I just saw a potential kdrama going on, baby.

My bear
Hmm? What is it about?

Will tell you when we see each other! See you later, big baby! I love you.

Now I'm curious! Well, aight I'll see you later, I love you too!


Short one for today ://

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