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The sound of the alarm woke the two up, it was almost 8 pm, so they decided to change into their swimming suits.

"You ready?" Seulgi asked, receiving a nod from Joohyun.

Once they arrived at the floor where the swimming pool was situated, they sat on the benches, putting their towels and beach bags there, tossing away their clothes that were covering their bodies.

"Y-Yo, isn't that too sexy?" Seulgi said to Joohyun once he looked at her.

"It isn't.." She said and looked down. "Stop looking, I feel embarrassed."

"S-Sorry, uh.. so, let's go in?" He said, looking away and letting Joohyun go first into the pool.

"Gladly it's not cold. I like it." She said and smiled, splashing some water to Seulgi.

"Hey stop, it's cold!" He said and splashed water to Joohyun's face.


"Hehe, sorry, okay I'll stop! Ouch!!" Seulgi hissed in pain since Joohyun had the chance to grab his arm and throw him in the pool.

"You got me there, aish." He said, shaking his body, that was adjusting to the temperature.

"Well, this is cool.. a pool, in mid air." He said, leaning on the glass.

"It is.." Joohyun said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"What's the matter?"

"There's this man.. he's creepy. He keeps looking at me." She said, and tried to hide her body inside the water.

Seulgi looked over, and spotted the guy, that was looking at Joohyun like a disgusting pervert.

"I-I saw him touching his private area.. I want to puke." She added and shook her head.

"I have a plan." Seulgi said.

"What is it?"

"We act like a couple, Hyun." He said and faced her, leaning closer to her face.

"W-What are you d-doing.."

"Shh..." He said leaning even more, millimiters aparts now.

Joohyun closed her eyes at this moment, waiting for Seulgi's lips to touch hers.

"There you go, he is leaving." Seulgi said, surprising Joohyun.

She felt somehow disappointed, she wanted that kiss to happen.

"You good now? Feel better?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, thank you." She said and smiled a little. The disappointment still lingered inside of her. She wanted it badly.

"Let's have a swimming race." Seulgi then said, out of nowhere.

"Eh..? No please, I can't swim Seul." Joohyun denied, making Seulgi chuckle.

"I'll teach you." He said, trying to convince her.

"No please, I'm really scared..."

"More than heights?"


"Okay, I won't push you to swim then, I'll be the one to save you from drowning."

"I'm already drawning. For you." Joohyun muttered.

"You are always muttering these days.. what are saying?"


"Aish, what do you say? Tell meeee." He said acting cute.

"Do I?" Joohyun asked making Seulgi stop.

"Hmm.. not really, but I think I would relate to the things you say." He said looking down at her.

Joohyun took some air before deciding whether to tell the truth or not.

"Hm... well, I've been feeling this thing for.. months.. and it kind of bothers me? Not in a bad way... but it confuses me."

"Is it related to what you mutter about?"


"Then what is it?" At this question, Joohyun'w heartbeat was so fast. The pressure was killing her, pushing her to tell what she really felt.




"I'm bothering you?"

"Yes.. I mean, no, I feel something for you."

"What is it?"

"I-I like y-you." Boom, she said it. It's only time for Seulgi to say what he feels now.

"W-What.." Seulgi said, not believing what he just heard.

"I like you.. d-don't you like me..?" She asked with a trembling voice, by his reaction he looked like the confession was such a failure, making her tears fall down.

"H-Hey w-why are you crying Hyun.." He said, stopping her from her tracks, since she was going to leave the pool.

"I like you too, Hyun. Hell, I love you. You should let me finish what I say before you react, okay?" He said hugging the now crying Joohyun.

"I hate you, asshole." She said leaning her head on his shoulders, and hugged him.

"I love you more." Seulgi said tightening the hug, and kissing Joohyun's head.


"Hey, look at me, Hyun." He said, leaving some space between their bodies.

Once Joohyun looked at him, with his thumb he guided her head up and kissed her.

"I knew that you love me." He said, smiling all giddy at her.

"Tsk. Then why didn't you confess first?"

"Well, you're a coward!" Seulgi pointed out. She couldn't deny it.

"Tss, fine." She said, and went back into his arms.

"You love my hugs, don't you?"

"I really do." She said, and received another kiss on her head from him.

"I love you, Hyun." He said, while caressing her back.

"I love you too, Seulgi." She said, smiling.

This was indeed right.


Last update before I go heh. See you when I'm in the PH guys👌🏻. I'm so good with cliffhangers. Can't deny it .

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