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After all of my meetings, I stretched my back and sighed in relief.

I'm done for today, and I'm still curious about my partner for that CF.

Jongin and his girlfriend might be modelling for Gucci. I'll probably do it for LV, since it's them who always request us to be their models.

"Bae Joohyun. Why do I feel like I know this person.." I said, thinking about who can it possibly be.

I was still thinking when my tummy suddenly growled. It's already dinner time, really? Holy moly, it's 7 pm already.

"Hey, yes, I'll deal with it tomorrow dad. You'll send it through email? Okay." I said and ended the call.

He just said that he didn't want me to go to his office tomorrow just for the CF thing, and he'll just send it via email. What an advanced man.

I drove towards this Italian fancy restaurant, and took my order. Gosh, my mouth's already watering from the lovely smell of the food.

"Here's your food sir. Steak, Fetuccini alla bolognese and red wine." The waiter said and bowed before she could go.

"Hmmm.." This fuckin steak is heavenly, really. I could eat this all day--.

Table. Manners. Seul, table manners.

After finishing my food, I went off and drove home, and once I arrived the lights were all off. Jongin still didn't arrive yet.

I plopped my self on my bed, thinking how successfull I became. Hard work pays well.

Time passed, about a couple of hours and I decided to change into my pj's and again, plopped my self on my bed. I could do this all day sincerely.. it is so fluffy and smells so nice.. like me.

I looked in my phone and still hadn't anything. Nothing at all. Just a notif where it says that there was a free fried chicken coupon. Well now that I think about it, Jongin loves chicken. And maybe he still didn't eat.

So I called the number and ordered 2 buckets of chicken. What a good brother I am right?

"Yah, Jongin, where you at?" I said once he picked up the call.

"I'm still here at the dance studio.. why?"

"I bought chicken. Bring your ass here or I'll give them to Jisoo." I said.

"K fine! I'm on my way hmp." He said and ended the call.

Jisoo is our neighbour, her and Jongin are bestfriends, but they become enemies when it comes to chicken.

The order arrived, and damn if it smelled good. It's even free. I wonder why.

"Yo CEO Kang! Nini's here" He said and removed his jacket, and threw it somewhere. Tsh this man needs to fuckin tidy his clothes.

"Can you please atleast put the damn jacket in your wardrobe." I said and he just laughed but did it.

I started to put the chicken in a big plate and prepared some sauces.

"Woah.. you're the best.." Jongin said showing his thumbs up, and sat on the dinner table. He doesn't really have table manners. He's like the opposite of me, gosh.

"Sit on the chair. I don't want your ass on my fucking table, Jongin."

"Hmp." He pouted, and ate a piece of chicken and sat on the chair.

"Are you even 20? Gosh, you look like a 3 year old kid."

"I'm 3 nearly 6 fyi." He said munching. This hoe really.

We continued to eat, til I got a notif on my phone, which was right beside Jongin.

"Who's Bae Irene?" He said smirking.

"I don't know her." Well it's true, right?

"Then why did she say, Hey there, I was kinda getting upset that you didn't even had the guts to message me. 너무해. Good night Seulgi." He said imitating the female voice. Tsh, I can't believe this guy, please stop me before I punch him.

"She's just a friend, she added me on facebook and then chatted me, things like that." I quickly explained, with my annoyed voice tone.

"Hmm, she looks pretty tho." He said, and smirked once again.

"Stop whatever you're thinking, I'm not going to flirt with her." I said and he laughed.

"You're too defensive. Did she perhaps send you pictures of her?"

"No. But she did talk about herself."

"Did you tell her that you own a company?"

"Kinda? But I said that I was kidding.

"What if she is some kind of perverted middle aged woman that is searching for some rich ass guys and try to be a milf?"

"That's what I thought too but I think she isn't."-

"What if you just tell her to meet up?"

"She's a student, she probably won't have time too. Plus I have my work."

"Well we'll just figure it out after. Just get to know her better, why not? She looks like someone responsible." He stated.

Hell nah, she sounds like a 3 year old like him pfft.

I just laughed at him and said, "you know what? Just sleep, you had enough chicken and I had enough bullshit for today. Good night!" I said and got my phone out of his hands and of course punched his arm. That's for invading my privacy.

"Ouch! Night Bear!"


Wow. I wrote so much here kkkk.
Double update ugh ugh.
Okay night pips.

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