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"Tomorrow you'll have the photoshoot, right?" I asked.

January flew away as if it was nothing, and tomorrow, the two will have their photoshoot. The only thing is that Joohyun just knows that she is going to take pictures with the CEO's son, and not with her online best friend, Kang Seulgi.

"Yes, and I'm a bit nervous about it." She honestly said, feeling tensed.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm sure you'll  do great, Hyun." I said trying to cheer her up.

"I hope so. He looks like he knows what he does, he seems so confident." She does and I grinned.

"How does he look like?"

"Well.. he's handsome." She started, this is making my pride stand out.

"He has wavy hair, dark brown wavy hair. His face is.. it reassembles a bear..?" She said, and I slightly nodded. I admit it, I look like one.

"And you reassemble a bunny. You're bunny and he's a bear. Bunny and bear!" It's so strange talking in third person view wtf.

"Are we animals to you, Kang?" With a voice slightly irritated.

"Nah, I just said that you reassemble animals."

"Tsh whatever. Do you want to meet up Seul?" She then suddenly asked making my eyes bulge out. I don't know if I'm ready

"Good luck for tomorrow Hyun!" I said and ended the call.

Right after I got a message from her.

Why did you end it?

I have to poop!

Dork, poop well Seul.

Thanks Hyun.
Seen 2.34 pm

I honestly don't know why I ended the call, was it because I was in panic and got caught iff guard by her question?

Should I reveal my self?


Keepin this short cause I have practice til 4 pm jeez.

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