Chapter XLI

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It had been a whole week since the World Cup ended. I actually asked one of my friends to give me a job for a short time, just until I move to France.

Being in a hotel room all day and night long would have driven me crazy, I needed to do something and extra money is always welcome.

James and Daniela had already moved into their new house in Madrid, I already booked my flight, I would be leaving in four days. I actually can't wait to see them, I got really used to spending my time with them and I miss them.

I'm officially accepted in the Université Lille II, they said they would love to have me back since I always behave well and I had good grades. I want to think I'm making the right decision, this was my original plan anyway.

The lady at my current university gave me another option, a tempting one to be honest. She said it would be easier for me to transfer at any other campus of the University of Navarra. They have a campus in Munich, I have always wanted to go there, but I can't speak German, and conveniently they have a campus in Madrid, Spain.

It was like if she knew what I was going through and she gave me that option because it would be the best for me. James had moved to Madrid, Antoine will move there in no time.

And even after all this time I hadn't told James, I hadn't been able to. I'm afraid he can convince me to go there instead of France, and I need to go to France. He would love that option when he hears it.

That day, it wasn't until around lunch time that I felt my phone vibrating way too much, I got it out of my pocket and unlocked it. I had several notifications from Twitter and Instagram mostly. I wondered what could it be so I got on Instagram first.

I was tagged in so many pictures of me and Antoine and others of me and Neymar, most of them were from 'fans' and I read in their captions things like, 'I can't believe their relationship is over', 'Is it true they are not together anymore?', ' I loved #martoine so much', or 'did she actually cheated on Antoine? She's a bitch!' 'Neymar stole Grizzi's girlfriend.'

I was horrified. A couple of weeks ago there were some articles and stories about the end of my relationship but it seemed like the news were just believed by the fans now. It was all over the internet and Sport magazines, I actually didn't think people would like my relationship with Antoine so much, but apparently they did.

Not it was just a matter of time before my friends and family would read the news somewhere. I wasn't sure if I should call them myself and tell them or let them find out and then call me to confirm the rumours.

I wondered why the news just got popular, did someone talk to the media? Did Antoine finally agree to talk in an interview about us? What happened? Because this should have happened when the articles were out not until now.

And as I expected I received a call about an hour after all the commotion started. It was my sister, but my shift at my new job was just starting so I just couldn't answer the call when I was working, she had to wait. Actually I just wanted her to wait, I didn't want to deal with this now.

My friend Fernando from my biology class has a gym equipment store and I told him I needed a job for only a couple of months so he offered me a job there, which I gladly accepted. I love all the things related to exercise and sports so I had liked this job so far to say the truth.

It's mostly treadmills, weights, stationary bikes and that kind of stuff but there is a small part with jumping ropes, scales, supporters for different parts of the body, even machines to do some kind of therapy, his store is really cool, actually.

And I really like him, he is such a nice guy, we often paired up for college projects and stuff. He obviously has a good body since he is also an instructor in a gym nearby.

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