Chapter VI

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The next day was pretty eventless, I woke up late, somehow not hung-over, and headed to the gym, as I always do. I only did an hour and a half today. I wasn't in the mood to do anything else. I rushed to the restaurant and got there just five minutes before breakfast time was over. I only ate cereal with milk, though.

Then I went to my room, showered and got dressed, again in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, but this time I had my bikini underneath instead of my underwear.

Antoine only had to run for half an hour and some legs exercises today, their match was tomorrow and the coach didn't want them to tire them up or someone to get injured before their debut this year, so today was the day we could go to the beach.

Before leaving my room, I heard a knock. I went straight to open the door, thinking it was Antoine but when I opened it, I saw an unknown brunet man, probably in his forties.

"Are you Miss Voltolini?" The man asked and I just nodded at him. "I've got a package for you."

"For me?" I asked in surprise, who would send me something?

The man made me sign a paper and then he gave me a thin brown box before he walked away. I closed the door and opened the box, wanting to know what was inside, and whatever that was, I took it out.

I gasped as I saw I had a Brazilian jersey in my hands, of course it had the number 10 on the back. I dropped the box as I examined the jersey. The name written in the back made chills run up and down my spine a few times.

I took out my phone to text the responsible for this, but what would I write him? Lots of questions ran through my mind.

Why did he send me his jersey?

How does he know in what hotel I am staying and even my room number? He could have asked for it, but he would have needed to know my last name, did he know it? And if he did, how? I wasn't that famous just related to someone famous.

Has he been stalking me?

Is he here, in Porto Alegre?

And what does all of this mean?

Does he like me or something?

'Don't be silly, he doesn't like you!' I thought. 'But why is he doing this?'

I sighed and put the jersey inside of one of my suitcases, and walked out of the room to meet Antoine, I needed to get Neymar out of my head and just enjoy this day.

About half of his team came with us to the beach, the temperature was high and I couldn't wait to get my clothes off and get in the cool water.

Antoine set the umbrella and our chairs a bit close to the sea, Karim and other players did the same. And as soon as everything was set, I took off my shirt and shorts and walked quickly towards the water, I loved the sea, always had, if I could I would leave in a house next to the sea.

Antoine joined me soon and we both got into the water. It wasn't that cold, but it was refreshing enough. I like to get deeper into the sea but Antoine has never liked that, he gets nervous about it, so I try to stay close to him, I try.

Without warming, Antoine wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the lips, just breaking it to check that a wave wasn't coming our way. This time I kissed him and I felt him smile into the kiss.

"I'm glad you are here with me." He said softly right next to my ear.

"I'm glad I'm with you." I said pecking his nose.

After that romantic moment, we swam a bit more and got a bit deeper, but we still could touch the ground with our feet. After about twenty-five minutes Antoine was already feeling tired, mostly due to the sun, so he preferred to get out of the water and rest, while I stayed about twenty minutes more.

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