Chapter XXVII

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"Do you like this one?" I asked Salome, showing her the picture we had just taken, she smiled at me so I presumed she did like it.

Daniela had fallen asleep about an hour ago, just after she ate the food James brought her, but Salome was wide awake so of course I had been taking care of her, by that, I mean playing a bit, but mostly been posing for like fifty pictures I had taken of us, and we had been doing silly faces for more than half of them.

My phone vibrated again as I received a new text message but I ignored it as I took another picture. I had ignored every text I had gotten since yesterday, and I had no intentions to check them yet.

"Can you say Margie?" I asked Salome. "Mar-gie."

I repeated my name several times until I heard Salome saying something pretty close to it, she was only one year old, I didn't really expect her to say my name perfectly.

"Agy." She said happily, smiling to me, showing her few small teeth. "Agy."

"That's right, Agy." I said smiling back at her. "Agy is... pretty, I guess."

I felt my phone vibrating once again, I sighed as I looked down at it. I saw a blue light letting me know the message was from whatsapp, but again I ignored it.

"Want an advice?" I said to the little girl. "Don't ever fall in love, ever."

Salome just giggle at me, probably not understanding a word of what I was saying, but I didn't care, I kept talking to her, feeling a bit better about letting it out.

"I'm sure your dad won't let you date, anyway." I said, shrugging. "I'm sorry for you but it may be for the best, you know?"

"Agy!" She repeated, liking how my name sounded.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "What time is it anyway? And at what time do you have to eat?"

I glanced at the clock and it read 10:58 a.m., I had no idea how often babies eat but just in case I stood up, grabbed a half-full bottle of milk and gave it to her, she took it eagerly and started to drink the remaining milk.

"So you were hungry, huh?"

She just finished her bottle as the door of the room was opened and none other than James walked in, he got a huge grin on his face as soon as he saw Salome, who smiled and giggled as her father made silly faces to her.

"Hey, Margie." He greeted, ruffling my hair once again.

"That's it! I give up with you." I said sighing, since I had indeed made an effort with my hair this morning.

"Agy!" Salome said happily, I smiled at her.

"She can say my name now!" I said proudly.

"I can see that!" James said picking her up from the floor, where we were playing.

"I gave her some milk just now, hope that's fine." I said to him.

"Yeah, it's almost her time to eat." He said checking the cloak. "So, she hasn't slept since I left."

"Nope." I said. "We played and then had a photo shoot!" I said grinning.

"She loves cameras."

"I noticed." I said. "So how was training?"

"Alright, it wasn't that though since we play tomorrow."

James then fed Salome and right after that she fell asleep, damn, that was quick. James laid her on her crib and lay down on his bed, next to Daniela, I had put my hair in a messy ponytail by then, but James had just ruined it again just before lying down so I kept my hair all messed up after that.

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