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I opened the trunk of my car and put the bags inside, I didn't enjoy going shopping but I needed some things and for a change it was okay, way better than being at home listening to my mum about the university and all that.

I got inside too and drove to my house. Lately everyone else had driven me from place to place, Antoine, my parents, my uncle, even Enrique, so driving and being alone felt good. I was actually in a good mood today and the day was just perfect, the weather was really nice.

I was actually trying to think of what else to do before going back home but I couldn't think of anything, I had already ate at the mall and bought everything I needed or wanted, my feet ached already but I didn't want to go back home, not yet.

Antoine wasn't home, today was his first day back at training and I couldn't bother him, he would get worried and then he would miss even more trainings because of me, I couldn't do that to him, so I just decided I should wait until he was done with it.

I sighed as the building of my apartment came into view, I parked my car and slowly grabbed the keys and got out. I opened the trunk to get everything out, including some groceries I did before the shopping.

"Well, hello there." I heard a husky male voice saying behind me as I grabbed some of the bags, I completely froze, I couldn't even move to face the man. "It has been a while, hasn't it, Margie?"

I finally reacted. I let go of everything and just ran, I attempted to get inside the building and tell someone from security to help me but I wasn't fast enough, I couldn't even make it to the first step.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I tried to break free but that was in vain.

Mohammed grabbed me by my waist as he had done before and carried me away from there, I screamed for help, for Enrique, but no one came to my aid, there was absolutely no one on the streets and no cars were passing by at the moment.

He dragged me to an empty and darkish alley not far from where I live, he threw me to the ground. I groaned as I hit the hard surface, he just laughed evilly as I turned around and finally faced him.

"You really thought I wasn't coming back?" he asked with an evil laugh. "I got quite fond of you, right? I couldn't let you go like this, I didn't even get to say good-bye."

"Please, just don't hurt me, please," I begged to him, remembering what he did to me the last time and what happened after that. "I'll do whatever you want. I'll go with you if you want."

"Really? What changed your mind? I remember all you wanted was to escape when we just wanted to be friends with you," he told me. "Why would you come with me just like that now, huh?"

I said nothing, I just broke down. I didn't know what else to do, of course I didn't want to go with him but I didn't want him to lay a single finger on me, I didn't want a second beating, especially now, I couldn't allow history to repeat itself.

"Tell you what," he said. "You drop the charges on my men and get them out of jail and I will leave you alone... for now. I can even allow you to say good-bye to your handsome French man, to your family but then you are coming with me and we will do things as we planned."

"You promise you won't hurt me?"

"Of course," he told me.

"Alright, I'll do it, then," I said shakily.

"Good girl, see? Things are better when we peacefully communicate. That's all I ever wanted. I never meant to hurt you but I had to teach you a lesson, you had to understand... you are mine, you will never be able to escape me, ever, okay? Now, you go work on that with the lawyers and drop the charges. And don't forget that I know where you live, I know where everyone lives. You can run, Margie, but you can't hide... not for a long time, anyway."

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