Chapter XVI

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The ride back to the hotel was long, silent, and awkward. I kept fidgeting in my seat and looking out of my window while Neymar just kept looking at the rode, not even glancing at me or that's what I thought, at least I didn't glance at him.

"I ruined it, didn't I?" He asked so out of nowhere that he scared me. I could hear the hurt and disappointment in his voice, if that is even possible.

I turned my head and stared at him not knowing what to reply, the day was magical, I did things I didn't even know they existed, I went to a gorgeous place, rode a camel and was kissed by the best player of Brazil, that was so unexpected but was it really... a bad thing?

"No, you didn't ruin it." I replied. "Nothing could ruin today but you crossed a line, I won't deny that."

Neymar looked at me for a second, a smile forming in his lips, I smiled too, I just couldn't help it, I felt butterflies or whatever they are in my stomach and my heartbeat increased, what the hell was happening to me? I couldn't. I just couldn't fall for this man.

"I'm glad I didn't, then."

The rest of the ride was quite long and silent but not awkward, at least not for me and I assumed it wasn't for Neymar either, because he had a small smile on his lips for the rest of the ride back to the hotel.

When we got there he found a parking lot available and parked his car there, turning the engine off but for some reason he didn't opened the doors, he just stayed there, holding the wheel. I turned to look at him, wondering what was going in his mind, he looked troubled for some reason.

He shook his head and turned to look at me, it was barely visible, but the smile was still there. I smiled at him in a way to encourage him in some way, showing him I wasn't upset for some reason unknown to me. I should have yelled at him all the way back here, but I didn't.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah..." He said nodding.

He then put his hand on my cheek and caressed it with his thumb, I smiled a shy smile and my cheeks flushed, he had gotten closer to me without me noticing him, but I didn't mind when I finally did notice, I didn't move away or slapped his hand off of me. I did nothing.

And then we were both leaning in, this time I started it. We kept leaning in until our lips finally met for the second time that day but for the first time I kissed him too. I felt him smile in the kiss, which made me smile as well. It was a short but sweet kiss.

I looked into his now dark green eyes and felt like kissing him again but my conscious came back to me, I sighed and leaned away from him and I think I heard him sigh too.

He finally opened the doors and we got out of his car. Not a word was said but I think there wasn't a word to be said at the moment. We walked back to the entrance quite close to each other but still had a considerable space between us so no part of my bodies was running his, not even our hands, we didn't dare to. We didn't even dare to glance at each other for some time.

"When do you leave?" Neymar asked me just before we walked inside the hotel.

I looked at my phone to check the time, 7:55. Time had flown by. "I have to be at the airport in like six hours."

"Do you think I can see you before you go?"

"I don't know." I said. "My family will want to eat dinner with me and when we are done with it, it will probably be too late, don't you think?"

"I can stay awake past my bedtime at least once in a while." He said chuckling. "I'll text you, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded. "I don't even know how to thank you for today, it was just perfect."

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