Chapter LXXV

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The very next match after Maude's wedding was a week later against Barcelona, I was supposed to watch the match on TV but Antoine didn't really take a no for an answer. I told him I needed to study but he told me this was the very last match of the season, and I couldn't miss it, especially since it was going to be played here in Madrid and not in Barcelona, he only said it to convince me because there was another game in seven days but Antoine didn't think I knew about it, or that I would remember.

But thankfully the match was cancelled due to very bad weather. The flight couldn't even take off and the team never made it to Barcelona, and they had to postpone it. They couldn't play it in seven days because Atletico had to play against Granada, which was supposed to be their last match of the season and Barcelona had to play against Deportivo La Coruna, so they wanted to play the match the week after that but Barcelona wasn't free, they had to play the Final of the Champions league on Saturday 6th, which they won, so there was no choice but to postpone the match a week after that.

And now I had no valid excuse to not go watch the match live, it became the very last match of the season and I just couldn't miss it even when that was what I wanted to do. If it would have been any other team, I would have gladly went without any excuse but this was Barcelona, Neymar's team.

I stayed in bed almost all day that day, I had all my books laid all over my bed but honestly, I wasn't studying. I couldn't study anymore, my brain had reached its storage limit, at least for now. My exams were starting tomorrow, so I was pretty stressed.

The exams were also postponed, at least most of them. We didn't go to university and classes for a whole week because of the weather, it was just a security measure but all of us were glad we had more time to study. The next week we had to receive the classes we missed during that week, so no exams.

And they were then postponed out of a petition made by the students, we didn't really understood some topics and we didn't feel prepared, especially of the things we saw that week, since everything was really rushed. The university even got another teacher for that week, since the problem was the teacher and they way he taught us.

So those were three more weeks without exams, it was a good thing in one hand but on the other, it only made me more stressed. I just wanted all this to be over. I had already done two tests though, one was from the hardest class for me and one seemed fairly easy so I was content with that, but I had more exams to do, starting from tomorrow.

By 4:00 Gavriil came over, I asked him to come with me to the match plus he needed some help with a certain topic.

Gavriil had become my best friend since I came here to Madrid and I trusted him with a lot of information but he still had no idea of what happened back in Brazil with Neymar and I wasn't planning to tell him any time soon but he knew me too well and he knew there was something bothering me today.

I'm always excited about football matches but not today and Gavriil could tell. I kept telling him I was just too stressed about the final exams but he didn't buy my lie, he tried to keep pushing me to tell him but I always kept changing the subject in a very subtle way.

Unfortunately, Gavriil wasn't going to stay here in Spain, he was going back to Russia, his birth place, after our trip to the Caribbean and after we were done with the exams and we had gotten our results he was moving back there, so I was going to lose my best friend from university.

It wouldn't be like we would never talk again but things wouldn't be the same, with him back in Russia, I could only hope that with time we just won't grow apart and lose touch, like it happened with so many people when I moved here to Madrid.

"Are you excited?"

"Of course," he replied with a huge smile.

Gavriil had never come with me to any match and hadn't been to a stadium before, not to watch a match, only for our practical classes in Real Madrid's Stadium and he had only seen a few of the big stars and he had only met Antoine once, he had no idea how good he played.

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