Chapter LXXIX

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"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, that's what they told me," Antoine said on the phone as he called Drina.

Three hours ago Antoine was asked to go to the station and meet with the detectives, who informed him of some of the things they knew. Antoine was told Margherita was in a hospital, she was out of danger now but the weird part was that she wasn't in Spain anymore, she was in Andorra.

No one had a clue how they managed to pass to another country with two hostage people, especially when they were so famous but they did and apparently they weren't planning to stay there for long. The police found evidence they were planning to go to France next and maybe another country.

Antoine told some of the details on the phone to Drina but he was going to tell her everything face to face, they would have time for that.

As soon as Antoine walked out of the detectives' office, he purchased two plane tickets, one for himself and one for Drina. He was told the name of the hospital and the address and he needed to be there as soon as possible, he needed to see her now.

Antoine woke her mother up and told her what was going on, he packed some clothes as he filled her in and Karim, who refused to leave until he knew something. He asked them both to take care of Hooki and Belle while he was gone, he had no idea how long that would be, Margie was in the hospital and he wasn't sure if she needed to stay for more days or if she could be transferred to a hospital in Spain right away.

Drina, who was so excited about the news of her younger daughter, woke up her brother and told him the good news as tears ran down her face. He also called her husband, he needed to know too. He demanded to be called again once Drina was in Andorra and face to face with Margie.

Antoine told Drina everything he knew while they were on the airport and the plane to Andorra. He was told two names of the kidnappers, Jose Gomez and Julius Marti, one was Spanish and the other was from Andorra and apparently they were staying at Julius' house.

The detectives also said five of the six kidnappers were captured, only their leader was nowhere to be found and that Neymar was okay, he was at the hospital too only to be checked for anything he could have suffered but then he would be ready to get back to Spain and be reunited with his son and loved ones.

Detective Castillo flew with them to Andorra, it was his case and he needed to make some questions to Neymar and if possible to Margie. He also needed to see what was going to happen to the five criminals since they needed to be deported back to Spain and await trial there.

A policeman was waiting for the three of them at the airport and took them straight to the hospital. That same man guided Antoine and Drina to the room where Margie was, while Detectice Castillo stayed behind and waited for the man, who said he was going to take him to Neymar.

Drina grabbed Antoine's hand as he took a deep breath before opening the door. He figured her state wouldn't be good since she ended up in the hospital so he needed to prepare himself but he was stunned when he finally walked in and saw her.

Margie's hair barely reached her chin and it was a different colour, it was red but it was uneven, like if she had dyed it herself, some parts were still brown and some parts were a bright ginger shade.

But that was nothing compared to her overall appearance. She had bruises on her arms and face, which were were the only parts of her body that Antoine could see. She had a black eye and had a cut on her lip and another on her cheek and it was obvious she had lost some weight.

The look on her eyes was empty, like if there was no joy left in her and that pained Antoine. He hated to see her like that but he was more than thankful that she was alive and that she was found after seventeen days.

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