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Over the next days my life continued normally, I couldn't do much exercise but I had gone to pilates, I swim and do some light exercises, even short jogs.

University was over, I didn't have a job yet so that was all I could do to keep me entertained and distracted. Otherwise I just think about the trial and that kind of things.

That morning I was meeting Daniela for a coffee, I grabbed my favourite pair of jeans and pulled them up, I frowned when I realized I couldn't button them up. I sighed after a few of failed tries, I took them off and threw them on the ground.

Wearing just my panties and my bra I stood in front of the mirror. I took a good look at myself before turning around, so now I was looking at my side.

It had been exactly a week since I spotted a bump. I hadn't freaked over it because I had already done that a few times but it was only bloating, the next day I would wake up flat again but this time, for the entire week, the bump hadn't disappeared like the other times. I guess it was about time. I was almost five months.

I sighed as I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a loose shirt, I wasn't ready for other people to notice it too and I wanted to be comfortable. Out of our friends only Karim, Olalla and Fernando knew. She was too excited she told Fernando. Speaking of them, their baby was born about a week ago, on the 26th, they named her Elsa. Antoine and I went to visit them at the hospital, that's when Fernando congratulated us both for the pregnancy and admitted Olalla couldn't keep quiet about it for long.

Before going out of my room I lifted my shirt and checked myself one more time. I could even swear I was bigger than last Tuesday, when I first noticed the bump. It was probably just me, though.

Tonight Antoine and the team were playing against Astana and they had gone all the way to Kazakhastan so Daniela thought it was a good idea to go out for something to eat now that Antoine was away, besides we hadn't seen each other in weeks.

Enrique took me to a cafe about fifteen minutes away. It was a small place but it was one of the few places we could go without anyone bothering us.

I hadn't seen James or Daniela since before I was kidnapped, so it was good to see her. She told me all about her career as a volleyball player and told me how happy she was to be able to play again.

Afterwards I even accompanied Daniela to buy something for Salome at the mall, we stayed there for two hours, then we ate lunch at a nearby restaurant and then we went to pick up Salome at school. She was so excited to see me.

Then Daniela had to do some errands, so I went with her after we left Salome at their house, and finally we actually went to the cinema.

It was a very tiring day, I even took the lift to my flat instead of the stairs. I came back home around 11:00, I was out of the house for more than half a day. It was crazy.

 It was crazy

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