Bleeding Love [Antoine Griezmann & Neymar]

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"Love, it's time to wake up or we will be running late." I heard a sweet male voice whispering right next to my ear.

The owner of the voice then left two kisses, one on my neck and the other on my left cheek, my lips turned into a smile right after that, still my eyes wouldn't open. Suddenly I felt how he just walked away from me, leaving me feeling empty, somehow.

I groaned and decided to just get it done with, so I sat up straight and got out of bed and just until then I opened my eyes. The messy room was artificially lighted since it was still pitch black outside, no sound was heard either.

I look around and saw all the mess, around the bed and on it as well, I just hoped we had packed all we needed and that we wouldn't forget anything, but with all this mess, it'd be hard to tell.

I sighed as I made my way to the wardrobe, which was a mess as well. I found a pair of black sweatpants and a blue T-shirt and clean underwear and changed right there, leaving the dirty clothes in the floor, being too sleepy to actually care about making a bigger mess.

"Morning beautiful." My boyfriend greeted me, pecking my lips.

"Morning." I mumbled.

"We need to leave in about forty minutes." Antoine said, taking a glance at his watch. "I don't want to miss the plane."

I only nodded at him and walked to the bathroom, where I brushed my wavy dark blonde hair and put it into a messy high bun, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I looked more presentable but still I looked like crap, I only slept three hours top. Going out with Antoine yesterday wasn't such a good idea, we got home around 11:00 p.m. and we needed to get up at 2:00 a.m., so it wasn't a smart choice, still Antoine looked fresh and like he actually slept like a baby.

Before I knew it, the car that was supposed to come get us and take us to the airport came. The driver got out and helped us with the luggage while Antoine made sure to turn off every light in the house and to lock everything.

"Are you excited?" Antoine asked me, once we were inside the car.

"I will tell you after I drink a cup of coffee and wake up properly." I said, my eyes kept closing every now and then, but I refused to fall asleep again. "Are you?"

"Yeah!" He said, not being able to hide his smile, and he didn't need to. I could see how his blue eyes sparkled and were full of excitement.

It took us about fifty minutes to do that boring migration process in the airport, the lines were huge even when we got to the airport at 3:20 a.m..

Finally, we were done and all we needed to do now was to find our gate and of course a cafeteria or something to buy two coffees and some food for Antoine, he was starving or so he claimed.

We stopped to get our coffee and his early breakfast before reaching our gate, it wasn't until I turned nineteen that I got addicted to coffee, always drinking at least two cups daily.  When we were done we kept going looking for our gate.

When we got there I was more awake and could recognize a few familiar faces among the crowd. Antoine smiled as he saw them too, he greeted his teammates before I did, who all teased me about still being sleepy.

"Poor girl, Antoine, why didn't you let her sleep last night?" Paul Pogba said, with a mischievous grin on his face, even though the coffee helped, I was too sleepy to realize what he meant, what he really meant.

Antoine just laughed and blushed a bit at his younger teammate's comment as he winked at him, it took me about a minute to finally realize what he meant, but by the time I did, it was already too late to complain or say anything about it so I didn't.

We waited an hour or so until we were told to board the plane, of course I was seated right next to Antoine, who managed to peck my lips when we got settled. Of course that didn't go unnoticed and Karim Benzema whistled at us, making us blush. Karim got the seat right next to me, only the isle separating us, Hugo Lloris got the seat next to him.

"Don't mind me, you can go back to your own business." Karim said casually to us, winking as he did.

"You are just jealous." Antoine remarked at him.

"Yeah, how could you steal him from me, Margherita?" He joked, using my full name, which he knew I didn't like.

"No idea you wanted him, Karim." I said, joining the joke. "If you want we can swap seats, besides Hugo and I need to catch up, all these hours will be quite enough for that."

"You are too sweet, thank you."

Karim and I swapped seats, Antoine looked confused as we actually did it. I smiled at Hugo and started a conversation with him.

"Margie!" I heard Antoine's voice calling from me, I turned to see him the second time I heard my name.


"You can come back here now."

"Don't be rude, Tone, you'll hurt Karim's feelings!"


"Don't say you don't want to spend ten hours or so with me?" Karim said smirking.

Shortly after that the airplane took off, it seemed like Antoine actually thought I was going to be with Hugo the whole flight, I smiled at how adorable he looked as Karim talked to him. I sighed and excuse myself as I stood up from my seat, or should I say, Karim's seat.

"Do you mind if I steal him again?" I asked Karim with a smile.

"Just if you promise to give him back." He said, standing up.

"Don't worry, I will!" I said, chuckling.

Karim stood up and we both sat in our original seats, I grabbed Antoine's hand and squeezed it, he looked relieved as he squeezed back my hand.

I pecked his soft lips just before I drifted to sleep.

Bleeding Love [Antoine Griezmann & Neymar]Where stories live. Discover now