Chapter II

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The flight was pretty much eventless, at least for me. I fell asleep as soon as it took off, I woke up to eat and drink, then I fell asleep again, then I woke up and went to the bathroom, only to find out Karim had stolen my seat, I talked to him for about half an hour until I fell asleep once again, and I didn't wake up until we got to our first destination, United States.

Back at France, it was 3:15 p.m., meaning our flight lasted ten hours, here in United Stated, it was only 8:15 a.m., we walked around the airport, taking the chance of being able to wander around while we could, and buying something.

After drinking my second coffee of this long day, we boarded our second plane, again I was seated next to Antoine, who didn't seem so energetic as he did this morning, I was the energetic one now.

I had a poor variety of movies to watch at the plane, I hadn't read or watch 'The Fault In Our Stars' yet, which was available. It looked interesting but after the food was served and I ate it, I fell asleep again, and I missed about half of the movie.

This flight was shorter than the previous one, but still we hadn't gotten to our final destination, Panama was only another connection. They claimed they couldn't find a more direct flight, so there was nothing to do and we had no choice but make two connections.

After five hours of being in that airplane and doing nothing but eat and sleep, all I wanted to do was rush to a toilet and stretch and maybe walk around the place before being in another plane.

Antoine and I walked around Panama's airport, looking at the shops and buying souvenirs from the place, I got a snow ball that said Panama at the bottom, I loved those things, always collected them from the different places I'd gone to.

We got here at 1:30 p.m. local time, we were already feeling a bit jet-lagged, for us it was 9:30 p.m., so we had been at airports and airplanes for around sixteen hours and we still weren't done.

We got two hours and a half to walk around the airport, buy things and eat before we had to board our third and final plane at 4:00.

Once in the plane, I chose another movie to watch, this time one of my favourites, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part II. I watched about 2/3 of the movie until I paused it and decided to talk to Antoine instead, I had been sleeping so much that I had barely talked to him. But after about forty minutes, we both fell asleep.

"Love, we finally got here!" He said excitedly as he shook my body, he looked tired but he was really excited and his smile couldn't get any bigger.

I looked out the window and saw several tiny lights shining in the pitch black darkness of the night, thanks to the captain we knew it was midnight here in Brazil. I smiled at Antoine as the plane landed.

The whole team hurried out of the plane and we got our luggage, there were only a few other women besides me, but I didn't talk as much to more than half of them, they all looked tired even when they tried to hide it under make-up and a nice hair style, I wondered how I looked, with no make-up at all and my hair a mess.

And of course the paparazzi's knew the time we arrived so they were all waiting outside the airport to take pictures of us and to make us, well, to make them some questions but after being travelling for a whole day none of them wanted to talk so we just ignored them as we tried to get to the bus as fast as we could.

I let go of Antoine's hand as soon as the bus started moving, I had been holding it too tightly. I always got nervous when paparazzi's were near, I would freak out if Antoine wasn't by my side.

After what felt for an eternity, we finally reached our hotel for the night, yeah, you heard right, we had to take a bus to go to Porto Alegre the next day, more travelling for all of us.

We walked out of the bus and the coach and his assistants checked in and we all got our keys to our rooms, as a rule, since Antoine and I weren't married, we couldn't share the room, and of course the coaches didn't want the players to be tired in the morning for training, if you know what I mean.

My room was on the fifth floor and Antoine's on the seventh, I smiled sadly at him as the lift got to my floor.

"I'll miss you." He said just before kissing me on the lips, for once we were all alone.

"I'll miss you more." I said giving him a longer kiss than the previous one, just before I got out of the lift.

"Don't forget to wake up around 7:00." Antoine added, stopping the lift's doors to close. "I don't know what I'd do if we leave you behind."

I look at my phone screen to see the time and thanks to the Wi-fi and roaming, my phone showed me two different times, the time at France and the time here in Sao Paulo, it was 2:25 a.m. while in France was 7:25 a.m., meaning more than a whole day had passed since all of this started.

"I only have about five hours left or even less, then."

"I have even less than you." Antoine complained. "The coach wants us to go to gym and exercise for about an hour and a half. We would train at the field but Brazil will play against Croatia tomorrow, of course we won't be able to train."

I walked towards him and kissed his lips one more time.

"Go to sleep or you'll regret it tomorrow." I said with a small smile on my lips.

"I love you." He said before the doors of the lift close giving me no time to tell him I loved him too.

To my "good" luck, my room was the furthest one from the lift, I walked and walked until I finally got to the end of the hall. I opened the door and turned the lights on. I left my two suitcases and backpack on the floor and rushed to the window. I unlocked my phone screen and took a picture of the view, I could only see some buildings at this time but that was enough.

I posted the picture on Instagram after I took it, hoping my family would see it when they wake up, my mother made me promise her I would call when I got here but I wasn't in the mood to call my family, especially when my mother would ask me every little detail and I honestly rather rest than talk to her.

I turned my phone off and connected it to the charger, it was the only thing I got out of my bag. I went to the bathroom and after that I took off my sweatpants and got into bed, and even though I had slept around fifteen hours, I fell asleep pretty quickly.

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