Chapter XLIV

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Today Salome hadn't stopped crying for about ten minutes. I wanted to try to fall asleep again, I put the pillow over my head to make her cries a bit less audible but nothing had helped.

I groaned as I threw the sheets away. I went to the bathroom to do my business and then with my eyes half closed I went down the stairs to get some coffee, which I urgently need. I used contacts so when you are really sleep you actually feel like if they are going to jump out of your eyes or something, it's not a nice feeling.

I found the jar, poured myself some coffee in a special cup James had bought for me yesterday, it was a souvenir, so it read Madrid on it and there's a drawing of something famous here, I liked the cup, a lot, and it was the perfect size.

"Morning." Daniela mumbled to me. "Sorry about Salome, apparently her stomach hurts or something because she won't stop crying."

"Yeah, I heard her. Is she okay, though?"

"We gave her some medicine, we hope it works." Daniela said, rubbing her eyes. "Don't eat breakfast, we will go outside for something."

"Oh no, that's not necessary."

"Oh yes, it is! Believe me it's not for you! I'm the one that's craving a nice breakfast!"

"Okay." I said chuckling. "Then I'll wait."

"And get ready because we will go with James to training today." Daniela told me. "We will go to the stadium, greet some people, then we will sneak out, go for breakfast and then go back like if nothing has happened, perfect!"

"Do you think James won't realize we are missing?"

"He will, but maybe he will think we are around the place, chasing Salome or something."

"Yeah, probably."

"But if you are hungry now grab a toast or a banana or something, so you are not starving."

"I won't be starving, coffee curbs my appetite."

"Okay, good then."

"I'll go take a shower, okay?"

"Okay, I better go change."

I followed Daniela up the stairs but I went to my room and she went to hers, I closed the door and picked my outfit for the day. I decided to be comfortable so I picked a pair of black sweatpants but they do look somewhat fancy so that's alright, and I also chose a 'Just Do It' yellow t-shirt, plus a pair of green and purple pair of tennis, and put my hair in a high ponytail. I actually liked my outfit today.

On Saturday, the day after I came, James took me to a mall and to visit some more popular places here in Madrid, then we went clubbing. James hired a nanny for Salome and we had a pretty good time. Daniela was having the time of her life and I met a handsome Spanish guy that bought me a couple of drink and we danced together, but that was all, we didn't even kiss, he was a nice guy.

Yesterday we woke up quite early and we decide to go somewhere else. We went to Toledo, James had been wanting to go there since he moved here. We got on a bus tour and when the tour was over we walked around the streets of Toledo, we had lunch there and then we came back to Madrid. We took lots of pictures, I even posted a picture on Instagram.

A nice old man was very kind to take a picture of the four of us, I was in between Daniela and James, who had their arms around my shoulders and I was carrying Salome who had a big smile on her chubby face. Behind us you could see the Tagus River, the Alcazar of Toledo and part of the city.

It was a nice way to spend a Sunday. James said we could also go to some other cities, mostly because he had always wanted to do that. Of course that I had no complaints, I want to know as much of Madrid or nearby cities as possible.

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