Chapter XLVIII

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"We can all rest later." James said to me as he saw me yawning for like the tenth time.

"I could do it now if you let me."

"But I won't do that."

We were currently in the car going to James' training, some other footballers were going to take their girlfriends and wives so they could meet Daniela and Salome.

Speaking of whom, Salome woke us all up not even at 5:00, it was earlier than that. She cried and cried even after Daniela gave her a bottle of milk.

We went to bed around 2:00 because we kept playing Scrabble and didn't realize how late it was until I saw my phone and told them the time, we all rushed upstairs to sleep only to be awoken by Salome a few hours later.

All of us had drunk big cups of coffee and still we were half asleep, except Salome, who was very active. She was currently babbling alone while I had my head against the window and Daniela had her eyes closed, James was driving so he could not afford to sleep on the way to the stadium, which was too short to actually fall asleep.

We all got out of the car, James hurried a bit, while we took our time. James greeted his new teammates and started to warm up.

Karim waved at me just before he walked to where I was and gave me a hug, he had a huge smile on his face while I still looked like a zombie.

"Hey!" He said in French.

"Hi, Karim."

"Good to see you again." He said smiling. "Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and some lads to eat something, we are thinking about some tapas, have you eaten them?"

"Maybe once or twice."

"Well we can go eat that or if you don't like that, we can eat something else, maybe Paella or Tortilla Española, whatever you want."

"Sounds good but I have to tell James first." I told him. "Who else would be coming?"

"Just a few guys, Iker, Toni, Gareth, maybe Cristiano." Karim said. "Do you know German, by the way?"

"No, why?"

"So you can talk to Toni, just like when James had just gone to France and you talked to him in Spanish, and you became really good friends, maybe you could do that with Toni."

"I can't speak German."

"I thought you did, you can speak like ten languages." He said chuckling.

"No, only five."

"Only? I can barely speak two and a bit of English."

"I guess I'm good at it."

"Anyway, will you come?" Karim asked. "I would love it if you can come."

"Maybe, I don't know if James and Daniela have any plans for today, I have to ask them."

"It will only be for maybe two hours, three top."

"I'll tell you after practice."

"Okay." Karim said smiling and then jogged back to keep warming up.

"I think you should go." I hear a voice, making me jump in surprise.

"Were you there the whole time?" I asked Daniela.

"Oh, yes."

"I thought we were talking in French."

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