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Luckily Antoine and I got to spent half of the next day on the beach, they had a very light training that day, he took a nap afterwards and then I had him all for myself.

We went out for a bit but then came back and stayed for a very long time at the beach. It was a lot of fun.

And today he obviously didn't have to train because of the match later tonight. Instead, he slept all morning. He went to eat breakfast with me, played with Antonella until she fell asleep and then he fell asleep too and didn't wake up until around lunch time.

I was just playing a game on my phone when I felt Antoine wrapping an arm around my waist. I smiled and looked down at him. He slowly scooted closer to me and rested his head on my stomach. I put my phone on the bed and started to play with Antoine's soft hair.

"You should stop doing that, or I'll fall asleep again," Antoine mumbled just before he raised his head and looked around the room. "Where's Antonella?"

"Don't worry, she's with Theo," I told him, he nodded and laid his head on me again. "He took her to his room so she wouldn't wake you up if she cried."

"Did she?"

"Cried? Yeah, about an hour ago," I said. "Theo changed her diaper and burped her after she ate."

"I feel like I haven't spent as much time her as I should," Antoine admitted as he opened his eyes once again and looked up at me. "Or with you."

"This is a busy time for you, I get it. You have to train harder and be with your team more often but this championship only lasts for a months, then you have some free time. And we have had a good time here, we have gone to the beach, we had that amazing date and we have had so much fun."

"We should repeat that date, maybe this time I can win you a bear," he said as he chuckled.

"If you do," I said. "Get me the one with the Italy jersey. I liked it."

"Of course." He sighed. "I guess I have to get up and eat something."

"You have to give me a kiss first," I said quickly as I grabbed one of his hands to stop him from going.

Antoine smiled at me and instead of sitting straight and moving to the end of the bed to get up, he got even closer to me, he looked right into my eyes and slowed leaned in. I couldn't resist any longer, so I brought my lips to his, closing the distance between us. I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around his neck, without breaking the kiss, he moved a leg to my other side, so now he was on top of me.

Antoine used one of his hands for support while he ran his other through my hair. Things were getting heated quickly. Not long passed before I felt Antoine's hands under my shirt, which he quickly removed, breaking the kiss for a bit. My hands were moving to his shirt to get it off too when we heard a knock on the door, making us separate immediately.

I reached for my shirt and threw it over my head just on time, Theo was by the door with Antonella in his arms, she wasn't crying or anything so we just looked at Theo a bit confused.

"Yes?" Antoine asked annoyed. He tried to be gentle but it was obvious he didn't want to deal with his younger brother right now.

"Uh, I'm hungry."


"Margie said we were going to eat..." he made a short pause to look at his phone. "Ten minutes ago."

"Sorry, Theo, you're right. Antoine hadn't woken up."

"Right, I'll just go ahead and order something, I'll order something for you too so you don't have to wait too long."

Bleeding Love [Antoine Griezmann & Neymar]Where stories live. Discover now