Chapter XXIV

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I walked around Rio de Janeiro with two big suitcases and a backpack for maybe two hours. The heat was killing me and I had no idea of what to do or where to go. I just knew I couldn't go back there. Let's be honest, nobody would take my side and support me, even if Antoine would have been the one cheating, they wouldn't support me, I was just the girlfriend of their teammate.

'Ex-girlfriend now.' I thought, breaking down to tears once again.

Did I regret telling Antoine about Neymar? I actually didn't. I felt relieved and like if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, did it hurt? Oh yes, it bloody hurt, worse than a broken bone or anything you can imagine. It felt like if someone had ripped a part of my soul and the remaining part kept bleeding.

I held my phone in my left hand, staring at the screen, trying to decide if I should call my uncle, the only person who wouldn't judge me or the only person that would listen to me without why's and what's, just being there to hear me out and maybe I could ask for his advice, but I ended up not doing it, for now.

My parents were not an option, they didn't like Antoine, my mother mostly. But they would criticize me and give me a talk about moral actions and things like that. My sister would just listen to me for the gossip and my brother was too young to understand, he was only sixteen years old.

And what would I tell them anyway? Yes, I was a whore and kissed another guy but please understand me and have mercy of me. Of course not. I knew I was guilty so I didn't need other people telling me that I made a mistake. So, I turned off my phone instead, who knows where I'd go and if I would get the chance to charge it.

I went to the first restaurant I saw, I felt like if I was hungry but once I got there I wasn't anymore, I felt nauseas instead so I just ordered a bottle of water, I really needed some water.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" The waitress, who was a fifty year old woman, asked me.

"I'm fine, thank you." I mumbled, she didn't believe me, but didn't push it any further.

I took out some money and called the woman to come get it. She smiled at me as she took it and the empty bottle. Now what? Where would I go? Back to Spain? To France? Or stay here in Brazil? Italy was already disqualified and I guess I only supported France because of Antoine, and truth is, I wouldn't dare to go to their match. So what now?

The blonde waitress came back with my change, she smiled at me once again as she put it on the table, she turned around and walked away from me, but not too far, only a table away, where a man was ordering his food.

"Mam, excuse me?" I called, she looked back at me.

"Yes, miss?" She asked politely.

"Could you call a cab for me?"

"Of course." She said with a welcoming and friendly smile and went away to call it, I felt like if I was a little girl who had just gotten lost, asking someone to find their parents, and that's what I was, lost. I was lost.

The woman came back to tell me she had called a cab and it would take fifteen minutes for it to come, I thanked her just before she was called by another customer.

I stayed there in my seat, waiting for about twenty minutes until I finally saw a yellow car pulling over, sure enough the woman told me that was my cab. I thanked her again and then walked out of the restaurant, pulling my two big suitcases with me. The man helped me put those in the trunk and then I got inside the car.

"Para onde?" The man asked me in Portuguese, I only understood him because it was pretty similar to Spanish.

"Al aereopuerto, por favor." I said in Spanish, hoping that same thing was being said similar in Portuguese or maybe he could speak Spanish, too.

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