Chapter XLIII

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I smiled brightly at the man some feet away from me, he smiled back at me and ran towards me. I ran too and we collided against each other, he tightly wrapped his arms around me.

“It’s so good to see you again!” He exclaimed.

“I missed you!” I said, we both had matching smiles on our faces. “Not even a month has passed and I actually missed you.”

“Hey, why are you always so mean?”

“I can’t help it.” I said shrugging. “But you love me anyway.”

James led me to where his car was parked, we didn’t want to be one more second out in public and risk being seen together, I didn’t want more drama in my life and I just didn’t want the place to get crowded with paparazzi taking millions of people of us and asking several questions at the same time plus all the fans, James’ fans, I don’t have fans.

Like I planned, I checked out of the hotel, the bill was quite high, I lived there for a bit more than three weeks, of course the bill got high. Then I drove to Erik’s place, I left my car parked in his garage, I left all my belongings in the trunk and the back seat. Then Alicia took me to the airport, she insisted on it and now I’m here in Madrid.

James took me to his new house here in Madrid. It was bigger than I expected and it had a beautiful big garden, a pool and a playground for Salome. James parked the car, got out and helped me with my suitcase. He opened the door of the house and let me inside first.

“Amor, we are home!” James yelled.

I could hear rushed footsteps and a few seconds later I saw Daniela walking out of the kitchen, or I assumed it was the kitchen.

“Margie, hi!” Daniela exclaimed, getting closer to me. “It’s so good to see you again, how was your flight?”

“Uh, it was actually really good. I almost lost it, though, I got to the airport a bit late.” I said to her. “But I made it on time.”

“That’s good, so how have you been?”

“I’ve been good, I suppose, and you?”

“I’ve been good as well, just a bit stressed and busy.” Daniela said. “We had to pack all of our stuff and move all the way here, it has been tiring.”

“And do you like it here so far?”

“Yeah, it’s amazing and the best part is that we don’t have to speak French anymore, that’s like a big bonus.”

“And where is Salome?” I asked, looking around.

“She’s having a nap, she’ll be up soon. She was really excited to see you again, I told her and she started to repeat your name no stop.”

“I can’t wait to see her.”

“Marge, follow me, I’ll show you your room.”

James took my suitcase all the way to the second floor, I tried to help him but he didn’t let me. I followed him through the whole hall, he opened a door and let me in first.

The room was a white colour with wooden floor, the bed was big and the bedding’s colours were a nice green and orange shade. It was really beautiful. I also had a night table and an empty wardrobe to put my stuff.

“There’s the bathroom.” James said, pointing to a door in the right corner. “The room in front of this is Salome’s and the room at the end of the hall is ours, so if you need something you know where we are.”

“Thanks!” I said smiling. “I do think it’s time for you to visit me, you had me in your hotel room for days and you’ll have me here for a week. When will you visit me?”

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