Chapter III

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I opened my eyes a few hours later and saw some light from outside, I didn't care at first but then I shot out of bed and looked for a clock to see the time. 7:11. I cursed because I forgot to put the alarm on and it was such a miracle that I had woken up at the time I should.

I put my hair in a high bun and got into the shower, I washed only my body in case I wouldn't have time to wash my hair too. When I was done I found another pair of sweatpants and put them on, I was going to be several hours in a bus, I wanted to be comfortable not dressed like a model or diva.

When I was done I looked out the window and took another picture of the view, this time with the sunlight illuminating the city. I walked out of my room and went to the lift, once inside I checked my phone. I had five messages on Whatsapp and three missing calls on Skype.

My father, mother, brother, sister and my best friend all messaged me and my parents called while I was sleeping. Good thing I turned my phone off last night, I wouldn't have liked being woken up by any of them.

I stepped out of the lift and looked around the place, I saw no familiar faces, not even from the girlfriends or wives of Antoine's teammates. They probably were at the gym right now but what about the women?

Anyway, I made my way to the restaurant and left my jacket at a chair so no one would sit on the table I had chosen. I wasn't really hungry but what would I eat if I got hungry on the bus? It seemed like all I had done was sleep and eat during this trip so far.

I approached the buffet, looking around at the food, trying to decide what to eat. My eyes caught the fruit in the furthest corner of the big table, I walked towards it, thinking I would like to eat some fruit and maybe some yogurt.

I raised my hand and wrapped my hand around a banana but it seemed like I wasn't the only one with the same idea, because a hand wrapped around mine only a second or less after I was going to grab the fruit, immediately I let go of it.

"I'm so sorry." I said looking up at the owner of the hand, who was a young man.

"No, I'm sorry." He said in a weird accent, offering me a smile. "You take it."

"But is the last one."

"They might bring more." The tanned man said to me. "Go ahead, take it."

He took the banana and handed it to me, I looked from his hand to his face and when I did, I noticed for the first time how beautiful his eyes were, they were a light green colour that I had never seen before, they were shining with excitement and I couldn't help but stare at them.

"No, I'll take an apple, thank you." I said, shaking my head when I realized I had stared for too long, I felt my cheeks blushing and I cursed in my head for it.

"Tell you what," He said smiling at me. "Let's split it in two so we both have some of it."

I was going to refuse but as soon as I looked at those eyes again, all I could do was nod at him, he smiled again at me.

We said nothing after that, we just went back to mind our own businesses, I got some strawberry yogurt with granola and a pineapple juice and then went back to my table, thinking the man had forgotten about the whole banana thing.

But after he grabbed a slice of bread and orange juice he joined me at my table, he smiled down at me and grabbed a knife from the table and cut the banana in half, giving one to me.

"Thanks!" I said smiling at him, trying not to look at his eyes.

"Do you mind if I seat with you?"

I opened my mouth but no sound came out, being extremely shocked by the question. I should say no, I had a boyfriend. What would Antoine think if he saw having breakfast with this man? He would go crazy.

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