Chapter VII

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Today I woke up in a very good mood and almost had no problem with getting out of bed. I put on some Nike blue shorts, a sport bra and a sleeveless Nike white shirt and went to the gym.

As I expected the gym was empty, besides a forty-year-old man. No one from the French team was here though, today was their match so they must be resting right now, or eating.

I used the treadmill and started to run, I loved running, I ran ten minutes more than last time and did again some leg exercises, but I didn't overdo them, so my legs weren't as shaky as last time.

After showering I put on the France jersey that read 'Griezmann 11' on the back. I smiled every time I wore it. It made me feel proud.

When I was done I headed to the restaurant, where I met Mathieu Valbuena and Paul Pogba, who were just starting to eat, and by eat, I mean two big plates filled with food for each one, I know they exercise a lot but the quantities they have are overwhelming.

We just talked about football and some about Brazil and this beautiful city, it was obvious they were excited about the match, and were confident they were going to win it, I was confident about that too.

While going back up to my room I got a text, I got my phone out of the pocket and unlocked the screen. I felt a weird sensation when I saw who had sent the message, none other than Neymar.

'Good morning! Hope you received my package.'

I read the text several times, debating on what to type, or if I should reply at all.

'Yeah, got it yesterday! Sorry for not thanking you! But just one question, how did you know where to send it?'

'I've got my ways.'


'Well me being me, I had no trouble finding out where the French team is staying and then I just called asking for your room number and asked if they could give the shirt to you, that's all.'

'Then you knew my last name.'

'Yeah, I did. To be honest I knew who you were before you told me your name.'

I felt my heart skipping a beat, Neymar knew who I was. But what exactly did he know? Did he know I'm dating Antoine Griezmann? Or did he just know who I am because of my uncle?

'I only realized who you were until you sat at my table.' I typed.

'Wish I could see you again.'

I read and reread his text. Did he really just send me that? I felt my cheeks burning and my whole face going red, maybe he didn't mean it that way, maybe I had just been playing scenarios in my head, thinking things that weren't true, maybe he wasn't flirting with me, maybe this was his usual self and was just being friendly to me.

'Maybe we will.'

I regretted it almost as soon as I pressed send. I didn't know what to reply so I just typed that and sent it, but I shouldn't have done that, what was I doing?

'I'm sure we will.' He replied.

'Why are you so sure?'

Because I'll make sure of that happening'

I bit my bottom lip as I read it for the fiftieth time. The words kept running in my mind. I didn't want to be rude but I didn't reply, I had no idea of what to type. Seriously, what should I have replied? I should just stop this stupid - what is this? He's not my friend - but whatever it is, I should stop it and soon, the problem was that I didn't know how to do it, and deep inside of me, I might just not want to end it at all.

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