Chapter XXXII

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Somehow I managed to call a cab, sneak on a back door and leave the hotel. I went to a bakery to wait for the cab, who talked no stop about the match and Neymar's injury, I just kept with it and pretended to be horrified by it, I mean, I was horrified because I actually knew Neymar, so I just pretended to be horrified like in a fan way, like him.

I finally got to the hotel, it took us almost half an hour. I paid the driver and rushed to James' room. I knocked on the door because I had no keys and within minutes the door was opened by Daniela, who pulled me into a hug.

"James was pretty worried about you." Daniela whispered into my ear. "Expect a lecture."

"I think I deserve it." I said to her, shrugging.

I walked into the room, starting to bite my nails. I was nervous. I didn't want to get scolded or anything. James was lying on the bed, with his phone in his hands.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." I said to him, he looked up at me for a second but then looked back at his phone. "I'm the worst friend ever, I know."

"That's an understatement." He mumbled.

"I agree." I said nodding. "The thing is that I'm really sorry and I wanted to apologize to you and maybe make it up to you."

"I was just worried about you." James said. "We didn't know where you were, Daniela didn't read the text you sent her until you told me about it."

"I should have called, I know." I exclaimed. "And I'm sorry you lost."

"It wasn't your fault."


"Look, I'm not mad at you or anything, I was worried but that's it." James said. "And I'm sad because we lost but I'm okay, you have nothing to be sorry for."

"So am I not the worst friend ever?" I asked, a smile creeping on my lips.

"Almost but no." He joked.

"Okay, I can live with that." I said, jumping on my bed.

"So, my little Margie." James said with a smirk. "You went with your love, huh?"

"He isn't my love." I said, blushing a bit. "He is my friend, that's it."

"A friend that you have kissed." James said in a duh tone. "So how is he?"

"Bad, that teammate of yours broke his vertebrae. He won't be able to play for around a month."

"Oh my God, really?" Daniela exclaimed, coming out of the bathroom. "That's so bad!"

"Was he happy to see you?" James asked, still smirking.

"Why you ask?"

"Curiosity, so was he?"

"As a matter of fact he was." I said. "He didn't want me to leave so that's why it took me awhile to come back."

"And of course you didn't want to stay with him." James said sarcastically.

"Oh, just shut up!" I said, putting a pillow over my face.

"Did you kiss him to make him feel better?" James asked as he chuckled.

"No." I mumbled through the pillow.

"You did, didn't you?"

"I did not!" I exclaimed, taking the pillow out of my way. "I just made him company, okay? Can we just drop the subject?"

"Actually, we can't." James said. "You left me for him, now you must face the consequences."

"Oh, dear Lord!" I exclaimed, grabbing the pillow again.

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