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After everything that had happened I never thought I would still be pregnant on this date, never thought I would get so far, but yeah, today was my due date and feeling anxious was just an understatement.

Honestly, I expected the baby to be here way before the due date, even two months before than that because of what happened. I was seven months and a half when I started bleeding but thankfully I didn't need a c-section at the time because things improved.

I couldn't even sleep that night because I had reached the deadline, this was it. The time had finally come.

My brother had gone back to Italy by now, he didn't want to go back so my dad actually had to come for him and take him to Rome. He promised he would come back though. He wanted to meet his niece or nephew.

Today seemed even slower than usual, I really wanted all of this to be over already. I wanted to get out of bed and start doing anything I could, even if it was just walking Hooki around the neighbourhood. I wanted to be able to lie on my stomach and just get my body back.

And that meant Antoine could finally stop worrying about the risks and complications and he would finally go back to training and playing matches. He might not be on bed rest but he had stayed home with me every day, all day long.

Antoine wasn't as anxious as me, actually he was very calm. He stayed with me on the bed most of the day and just watched Netflix.

Night came and nothing had happened. It seemed this baby didn't want to come into this world anytime soon.

The next morning I called the doctor really early and after lunch, we went to the clinic. I didn't have another appointment schedule because the baby was supposed to be born soon after my last one.

The doctor did an ultrasound and checked the baby's vitals and he assured us everything seemed to be okay.

"Try not to worry so much," he told us. "Remember the due date isn't exact, normally women give birth either two weeks before or two weeks after. This is normal."

"So, everything is okay?" Antoine asked.

"Yes, I would advise you to go home and just relax," the doctor said to me. "Sometimes walking helps to induce the labour, if you want you can do that but no more than twenty minutes daily because of your condition, we don't want another possible abruption. We could induce you too but waiting another week or a few days wouldn't hurt."

I nodded, I was really disappointed. This pregnancy seemed to be eternal, I just wanted it to end already.

"I admit this is very rare, you had all the odds to give birth to a premature baby and now we might go overdue. I never thought this could happen in your situation but like I said, everything is okay, the baby is okay, so let's wait, maybe the labour will start naturally in a couple of days, that would be ideal. But because of your history I would like to keep an eye on you, I want you back here in three or four days if the contractions haven't started. We have to make sure everything is still okay then."

Feeling a bit disappointed, Antoine and I went back home, but I was relieved things were okay and for now I didn't have to worry about the baby.

Two days after that, there still weren't any signs that the baby wanted to come to the world, I felt nothing different, any pain, no nothing, and as more days passed I was getting more anxious and frustrated.

Luckily, I was allowed to go for a very short walk now. I decided to go out before midday, I missed the sun and the weather was still cold, so it was good to walk at the warmest time of the day.

Antoine always comes with me, he grabs my hand as we walk around the neighbourhood. He also brings Hooki along. He hadn't gone out for a while so at first he was extremely hyperactive, but after a while he calmed down.

Bleeding Love [Antoine Griezmann & Neymar]Where stories live. Discover now