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"Anto..." I mumbled as I opened one eye and looked at the clock on my nightstand. "Anto, you'll be late for training."

"Five more minutes."

And then Antonella cried, making us both sigh. Antoine knew he couldn't go back to sleep a bit longer now and I knew that it was me who had to get her because Antoine was going to be late if he didn't hurry.

Last night, what was supposed to be a simple dinner, a simple outing of around two hours became an outing of around six. We even left early to be back early but that didn't happen.

Antoine took me to a lovely restaurant right in front of the sea about twenty minutes away from our hotel. We even gave in and ordered a delicious dessert.

Afterwards, we decided we didn't feel like going back yet, so we walked around the beautiful city of Marseilles. Antoine put an arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulders, just enjoying our walk, our short time alone, just the two of us together.

We ended up walking in front of a small amusement park. Antoine just looked at me, trying to tell me we should go in. I shook my head at first, but I eventually gave in.

Antoine and I got on some attractions but we spent most of our time in the arcade area. We got so many tickets by the end of the night. We seemed like little kids.

We laughed the whole time and enjoyed the night, every worry of the trial, of what happened, even any thought of the Euro or the upcoming match were gone.

Antoine tried to win a stuffed animal for me, he had to shoot and hit this little small circle, he was close but couldn't do it. So I gave it a try, I grabbed the rifle, closed one eye as I aimed at my target and shot. I missed but I had another chance. I repeated the process but aimed more to the left and this time I hit it.

"Ha! I did it!" I shouted in disbelief, I couldn't believe it. The man smiled at me as he told me to choose my prize.

In a way to celebrate the Euro Cup, there were several bears with different football jerseys. Each one had a small black and white football on their paws.

"The French one please," I told the guy with a huge smile on my face.

"You're lucky, this is the very last one," he told me as he gave it to me.

I grabbed Antoine's hand and then turned around and slowly walked away from there, I looked at my prize and smiled, then handed it to Antoine, who at first thought I was just showing it to him.

"For you," I said with a smile. Antoine shook his head and tried to give it back to me.

"You won it, it's yours," he said with a chuckle.

"It's mine and I'm deciding to give it to you," I told him. "If I had wanted to keep it I would have chosen the Italian one." Antoine just gave me a look. "What? Io sono italiana," I said with a shrug.

"I know that," Antoine mumbled. "Still, just keep it."

"If you don't accept my gift, Antoine, I promise I'll get mad at you."

"Fine," he said defeated. "Thank you!"

Antonella's cries sort of interrupted my half memories of last night, half dream, and I groaned. Antoine was already up, putting on his shorts.

Antoine kissed my forehead and then Antonella's just before he left as I fed her. Enrique and Theo were still sleeping. The two of them had stayed up even after we came back, watching a horror movie.

I went to wake them up, I wanted to go out today. I wasn't going to stay inside the hotel all day. Theo complaint but he got out of bed and went straight to shower even before Enrique.

Bleeding Love [Antoine Griezmann & Neymar]Where stories live. Discover now