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A/N: This is literally just a random one shot. No more part 2, no more. I'm trying to be strong these days lmaoo

It's funny because I kept giving in to my readers' requests. Anyways I'll try to make simpler one shots once in a while, this one being one of those so here ya goo


"Babe," my girlfriend sweetly calls for me, wrapping her arms on my nape, "Lisa!"

When I finally looked at her, she's frowning already.

"Sorry babe, what's it again?" I asked guiltily because I didn't hear what she was saying earlier.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, "God, you're so annoying," she removed her arms off me and turned away while crossing it.

"Chaeng," I whined, hugging her from behind, "I'm sorry, okay? I was just spacing out."

"No, you're not! You're staring at your ex, do you still like her that much?" her irritation was obvious.

I looked at Jennie from the other side of the camp fire again, which I couldn't help, then shifted my gaze to the ground with both a bitter and guilty feeling.

Why should I care if she has a new girl now? I have mine, which I suck being a girlfriend to by the way.

"What? No!" I spun her around, cupping her cheeks, "I'm sorry, okay? I was just curious, that's why I was looking."

Uncrossing her arms, and still with a pout, she nodded, "Fine. Let's just find a seat and get this bonfire over with."

We're actually on this trip with our classmates, the last one before we go our separate ways and go to college.

My grip on Chaeng's hand tightened when I realized she's pulling me beside Jisoo, who's Jennie's girlfriend.

"Chaeng," I said in caution but instead of listening, she just sat beside Jisoo.

I felt the couple stare at us, but I just looked away and simply sat beside Chaeng.

Now us four are in the same log. It's not a surprise that some are looking at us weirdly.

"Hey, Chu," Chaeng greeted her happily, "Hi Jennie."

"Chipmunk!" Jisoo grinned at my girl.

I protectively wrapped an arm on Chaeng's waist, making Jisoo's attention shift on me.

"Hey, Lisa. What's up? I heard you're pushing for Boston University?" she tries to start a conversation.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm halfway there. Just finalizing the papers and all..."

"Cool. Jennie's going there too, right baby?"

My body went stiff, and I know Chaeng felt it too when she placed a hand on my knee and leaned on me.

I've always known Jennie wanted to study in there, of course. We've been bestfriends since we were kids. I'm just... happy that she made it. We both are, but not... you know, together. Though we initially planned on going there together.

"Yeah..." Jennie softly answers.

A strum of a guitar caught our attention, making me sigh in relief. While everyone else jammed to it, Chaeyoung and I remained silent.

The next song made me feel somewhat bittersweet.

If a picture paints a thousand words,
Then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you I've come to know.

Damn it. It's one of Jennie's favorites. She truly is an old soul.

I just know she's singing to it, even when I can't hear it.

Worth the Shot - JENLISA collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon