(T) lonely part 2

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"Hi..." she says softly, almost afraid. Like her eyes, they looked scared and unsure.

I stared at her blankly, reminding myself of the past. Infatuation lang 'to just like with Irene, right? I can't fuck this up again.

"Naligaw ka ata?" I smiled weakly.

"What can I do, eh you won't meet me unless sadyain kita rito. You even blocked my phone number and socials."

Being straight to the point is part of Jennie's charm. It's too bad for me.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry okay," she quickly added, failing to meet my eyes while she fiddles her fingers, "I didn't want things to be awkward between us but it came out wrong."

"No it's okay, tama ka naman. It's no big deal I just overreacted," I offered her a small smile before stepping aside and cocking my head to the side, asking her to come in.

Maybe if I brush it off like it's nothing, it will really feel like it's nothing. Sure I want to pull her into my arms and kiss her senseless right now, but if I can suppress what I feel baka naman hindi ko na kailanganing umiwas.

Fuck, who am I kidding?

I swallowed hard when she came inside and stood right in front of me, shutting the door behind her.

"What if I want to make a big deal out of it?" her eyes flickered down to my lips.

Again fuck, who am I kidding?

"Then I'm in trouble," I chuckled nervously, "Look Jen, I'm really sorry for almost kissing you and for ignoring you for over a week-"

"That's not what I meant," her hand slid to my shoulder, making me shudder a bit. She frowned, "I don't like you ignoring me like that, by the way."

Putangina naman Jennie Kim ano bang gagawin ko sayo? Baka hindi na kita ibalik kay Seulgi.

"I'll make it up to you," I walked around her, secretly trying to stay as far from her as possible by going to the kitchen, "Kumain ka na ba?"

"Nope. So you'll cook something to make it up to me?" she says in a teasing tone as she followed me.

Ngumiti ako at itinuro 'yong Tinola sa lamesa, "Jisoo's a good cook naman, will this do?"

"No way! This is cheating! But this will do for tonight," she beams while looking at the food.

I chuckled at her being such a kid then prepared for us to dig in. Looking at her like this made me realize how much I missed our dinners. How I want to have more of it with her. I can't stop from smiling while we eat.

"Oh my God talaga you need to ask Jisoo to cook more often for us!" she says after swallowing her food, but her cheeks still look so full and squishy that I couldn't help but pinch it.

Jennie glared at me then swatted my hand. "Hey, bawal macute-an."

"Bakit? Taken na ba?" I joked...but my smile faded when she only looked at me. "Oh."

She took a deep breath. "Just... Seulgi told me she likes me."

My heart dropped.

Still, I forced a smile. "That's good, I'm happy for you."

"Hindi kami," paglilinaw niya, "I don't know Lisa. You know I like her a lot pero when she confessed to me... I didn't react like how I thought I would."

Am I terrible for feeling relieved? Para akong nakahinga nang maluwag.

"You rejected her?" I asked.

Worth the Shot - JENLISA collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon