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"Baby, I'll just be out for a minute," Lisa kisses the corner of my brows.

My eyes narrowed when I saw that her ex, Nayeon, just got out of the door too. It was quick but it didn't escape my eyes.

Lisa saw where my eyes are, then sat back down on her seat. "Nevermind. What do you have there?" she lifted my fork and was aiming on stabbing a piece of meat when I dodged my plate from it.

She looked at me in betrayal, always the dramatic one.

"You said you're going out? Get out then. Why steal my food?"

"I thought what's mine is yours," she pouts adorably. I wanted to stab those eyes with my fork.

"Mine is mine," I said pointedly, "Yours is mine."

"Alright, I'm yours too."

"As you should."

"I love you my cute little Nini bear in brown hoodie now give me a kiss-"

"You know," Rosé, who was sitting across us, butts in, "Jisoo's as extra sweet and clingy whenever she did something wrong."

"I thought Lisa's your bestfriend. Seems like Jisoo and Lisa are more similar these days, huh?"

"What are you talking about?" Lisa huffs, "Besides, I'm always like this baby. I didn't do anything I swear!"

"And I always say that when I try to hide something," Rosé chuckles.

Lisa glares at her. "I hate you Rosie."

Rosé laughs loudly. "At least your girlfriend loves me and not you."

I clinked my glass with hers at that and blew her a kiss while Lisa childishly rumbles.

"Yah! Kim Jisoo, where are you going!" Rosé says just as she caught Jisoo trying to sneak out.

"See, I'm not like that," Lisa sweetly smiles at me, "I never sneaked out on you, did I?"

I ignored her though.

"I thought Lisa's out there to smoke," Jisoo reasons out. "I wasn't planning to smoke Chaeng-ah I swear! Will just hangout with the girls!"

We're in this dinner hosted by one of our high school friends so there's a lot of familiar faces around.

"She really did quit for you, huh?" I told Rosé then smiled at Jisoo in admiration.

Lisa coughed.

"Of course. To live longer with my girl," she winks at Rosé, who seemed like she was swept off her feet.

"Okay Chu, but don't go anywhere far. Let's go home in a while," then Rosé raised her brows at her bestfriend, "You should really quit smoking before it either kills you or Jennie leaves you."

Lisa gasped dramatically. "My baby wouldn't do that!"

"No I won't leave you, Lis. It's either cigars kill you or I will."

She leaned closer to me, wrapping her arms on my waist with her chin on my shoulder, "You know I tried, I'm still trying. I'm way worse before. Now I try to get as far away from you as I could when I smoke-"

"And you'd rather be away from me than quit smoking— which by the way, is bad for you."

"I know that," she says softly, apologetically, "Baby, can we talk about this later? Let's not fight here, please?"

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Rosé awkwardly looking away while chewing on her food.

"If Jisoo managed to quit it, why can't you?" I can't help but blurt it out, still not willing to drop the topic.

Worth the Shot - JENLISA collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon