tayo lang (T)

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Jennie: ☹️

I stared at Jennie's message already knowing what's coming. Inexpect ko na naman. At least this time I only waited for her for half an hour since I'm only 15 minutes early.

Jennie: lili? can we do a raincheck?
Jennie: i'm so sorry si gio kasi biglang dumating dito sa condo

Her boyfriend goes on top of her priorities, what did I expect? Gusto ko mainis pero wala akong lakas. Ano bang karapatan ko?

Jennie: i can't just make him leave 😪  sorry naa huhu

Lisa: Hey it's ok I just got here lang naman. Pasunurin ko na lang sina Jisoo dito.

I clocked out early from work kahit nasa tapat lang naman 'tong restaurant ng office namin just to make sure she won't wait long. Now I just lost my appetite.

The waitress gave me a sympathetic smile as I walked pass her.

Even the people around me pity me. Tanginang buhay 'to. Sana maawa na rin ako sa sarili ko. Ilang taon na rin, e.

The next day I woke up to the heavenly aroma coming from my kitchen. Of course, Jennie used her spare key and cooked me breakfast to make it up to me.

Of course, my heart did a back flip as if she wasn't the reason of my heart aches.

"You felt bad again?" I muttered jokingly, startling her.

Humarap siya sa akin, putting away the spatula. Then she pouted, "Yeah, because I stood you up. Again. I know I'm the worst bestfriend ever."

This is the worst friendship ever because I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember.

Instead of saying those words, I just smiled and messed up her hair before turning to the foods she prepared. "Dami nito ah. Kanina ka pa?"

"Mm," she nods, still pouting at me, "Galit ka talaga, e."

I stared at her blankly, trying not to be hypnotized with those eyes. "Hindi nga ako galit."

She snorted. "Hindi mo ako kiniss. You're definitely angry."

Jennie really knows how to stir up my insides. Sighing, I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her, my eyes glued to her thin lips. When I lowered my head, she met me halfway and kissed me.

I know this is wrong. She's got a boyfriend. Actually, she's in an open relationship with him. They're free to be with other people. Mali pa rin ba?

I honestly don't know how it works, I just know Jennie deserved better than that. But I didn't know how to deserve her.

That was until a few days ago when something happened between us, drunk. I was damn scared for our friendship but even sober, she initiated the sex again. So now... we're sort of caught in a situationship.

Now it's fair for her. Hey boyfriend meets other girls, and now Jennie have me.

Her gummy smile appeared first before her orbs. When she opened her eyes and I stared, I knew I would do everything just to make this last.

"Lili?" she calls my name sweetly, her hands on my nape.


"I'm happy with you."

I cracked a smile, brushing the tip of my nose on hers before playfully twirling her around. It's just like before, nung magkaibigan pa lang kami. But this time I know a part of her is mine as we blurred the lines between lovers and friends.


"Ganda ng ngiti natin ah? Binreak na ba 'yong boyfriend?" bungad ni Jisoo sa coffee room.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Feb 13 ⏰

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Worth the Shot - JENLISA collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon