lovesick girls

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suggested by: PotatoBlink88

I think this was suggested back when I published the first story in this book
Since then I've put it on drafts and only managed to finish this now lol. Oct 2020, most likely. Seeeee? I listen to suggestions but they're stuck in my drafts 😭


Jennie recklessly swerved her way to his house, parking her Porsche next to a silver Lexus that she recognized to be one of the latest sports car model released just this year.

Definitely not Loren's. His poor, cheating ass wouldn't be able to afford this one, the chaebol thought.

She was furious, barging her way inside his house that she's got a duplicate key on.

That's when she found him, hovering over a girl on the counter top while kissing her neck, and thankfully, they're both still clothed.

Startled, they separated with heavy breaths, wide eyed and a mess as they turned to Jennie.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" Jennie hissed, grabbing the first thing that her hand reached, which is a porcelain flower vase that she bought for him.

"Jennie, no!" Loren hurriedly went to stop her but backed away when Jennie threw the vase on his direction, creating a loud noise.

"Who the hell are you?!" the tall blonde that he was messing with earlier asked, not even looking a bit intimidated as she glared at Jennie.

Jennie glared back. "I'm that fucktard's girlfriend! You slut!"

"Excuse me?!" the blonde stood offended, hands on her hips, as she looked back and forth between the man hiding behind the counter and the fuming cat-eyed girl in fashionable clothes, "He was the one who approached me, acting very much single and all!"

"Jen, I-I can explain! I was just b-being friendly!" Loren stuttered, desperate to get his way out of this mess while trying to gain composeture, when Jennie grabbed two throw pillows from the couch.

"I tolerated your stupidity!" she threw one at him, which he was able to dodge by hiding on the counter out of reflex, "My friends all hated you and said you're a cheating bastard but I chose to ignore them because I truly liked you!" she threw the other one when Loren peeked, but it wasn't doing her anger any justice so she went to grab some figurines and threw them to the counter, "Fuck you Loren!"

The sound of glasses and figurines breaking didn't stop, and by the time Jennie was disrupted, the area was already a mess.

"Hey, hey," the blonde suddenly appeared once again, Jennie didn't even realize the blonde went away for a short while as she was too busy taking out her anger by destroying his things and trying to throw them his way.

Fuming, Jennie turned to her as if she was ready to fight her too if she even tries to stop the brunette, but to her surprise she's holding Loren's favorite electric guitar.

"No, no, no, not that one!" Loren pleaded, but ducked in fear with just a stern look from Jennie.

Sharing an evil grin, Jennie took the guitar with much enthusiasm, holding it by the neck as she pushed out everything on top of the coffee table with its body.


The blonde went behind her, arms crossed and with a satisfied smirk as she watched in amusement.

"Baby, please NOOOO-"

Jennie repeatedly smashed the guitar on that table, until it broke into two, with Loren's whimpers echoing in the background.

Worth the Shot - JENLISA collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon