come back home 2

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"Look Lili!" The little kid runs towards the Thai whose swivel chair immediately turned in response, Lisa catching her to sit on her lap.

Wonyoung fists both of her hands, showing two stars on each hand. She and Jennie just got home from school.

"My daughter is a genius," Lisa ruffles her head and grins proudly, "And she deserves a reward. Hm, what could she possibly want?"

Wonyoung bounces excitedly. "I want to quit school Lili!"

Both her parents' eyes widened. They shared a brief look at each other before Lisa drifted her gaze back to the kid.

"Why? Is something wrong at school, baby?"

"I just wanna stay here with you and Mommy," Wonyoung jutted out her bottom lip right in front of Lisa's face, trying to persuade her.

Jennie crossed her arms from the kitchen doorway. "Honey, we both have work so we can't stay here either."

"But Lili is leaving soon..." Wonyoung tears up all of a sudden, alarming Lisa who quickly coddled her up in her arms.

"I'm just leaving the house but I'll still see you everyday little mandu," Lisa caresses her back up and down, her eyes darting to Jennie who avoided her gaze.

Ever since that night, things have been more distant between the two. No matter how hard they try to pretend nothing's wrong, the air between them becomes heavy whenever in the same room.

Lisa knew it's best to move out soon and that soon is already tomorrow.

After the Thai put Wonyoung in bed, tired from all the tantrums, she went back down to the living room to continue her work when she passed by Jennie on the couch, facetiming someone.

"I'm sorry, she must've tired you out crying at school," Jennie apologises.

"It's okay Nini. I know she's just sad."

That's when Lisa realized who it was. Wonyoung's homeroom teacher.

They must have been really close.

Lisa went back to her chair with the Korean probably noticing her presence.

"So... she cried at school too?" Lisa asked Jennie when the brunette brought her phone back to her lap.

"Yeah, Rosé said so."

She exhales tiredly.

"She'll be fine Lisa. Just," Jennie leans on the couch, looking at her knees. "Just don't break your promise that you'll still see her whenever you can. I don't mind you visiting everyday."

"I can meet her after school and wait with her here until you come home. Or any other arrangement you could think of?"

Jennie nods, standing up. "Yeah, that'd work. Let's talk about it later. I'll just step out for a bit."

"Where?" Lisa asks, making the other girl stop on her tracks to stare at her.

"Meeting someone?" Lisa adds as she returns on her paperworks, pretending to be busy with it while making small talk.

"Why do you keep stepping over the line?" Jennie asks back suddenly after a few seconds of silence that almost made Lisa believe the girl left quietly a little while ago.

There it is again. The heavy atmosphere between them.

The Thai grips her pen. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that question's too much for you. You could've just said it's none of my business."

The bitterness in that tone made Jennie stifle a laugh in disbelief.

"I'm just stepping out to breathe because it's so hard to do that with you being like this," she says without holding back.

Worth the Shot - JENLISA collectionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon