Petty Thief

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  "You aren't funny." I say with my head pressed into his back.

. . .

   I open my eyes and I'm back in my tree at the palace. I don't remember getting back, but I guess nothing exciting happened. I heard soft breathing and looked to see Obi asleep on a branch slightly higher in the same tree.

   Pay backs a bitch I thought as I quietly stood on a branch directly under him. I reach my arms up count to 3 then grab his sides. He jolted awake, but unfortunately didn't fall. He seemed dazed for a moment and couldn't pin point where I was.

   He eventually looked down and gave me a happy look. "What? Shouldn't you be upset?" I ask.

   "I could be, but I know what happened last night."

   "What happened?"

   "So cute you were, too. Drooling and clinging to me."

   I grimaced, "What happened?"

   "You fell asleep, so when we got here I had to carry you here." His smirk curled into a frown, "Not even a little blush?"

   "Why would I? Mother used to carry me to bed all the time when I fell asleep in their house." I smile, "being flirty doesn't work when you start acting like a mom."

   "Man, I was going for da---" (this doesn't happen I just had to put it)

   Oh man, mother. I haven't thought about her in awhile. Now that I think about it, it must've been hard carrying me all the way back to my house once I reached around 10 years old.

   Of course I had to think about father next. I don't have many memories with him. He was always very busy. One memory I do have that's clear as day is when He leaned in and whispered to me, "Good Luck."

   It made my blood boil thinking about it. What did he say to the others? Did he actually give them advice and only screw with me? I remember Kenta looked really upset, maybe he did the same thing to him. Hiraku and Alice didn't have any expressions. The twins were surprised if I remember correctly.

   What would surprised mean? It makes sense that Kenta would have gotten about the same as me. But what could they have been surprised about?!

   "What's gotten into you?" Obi interrupts my thoughts.

   "Hm? Oh, nothing I'm just thinking about my family."

   "Did they do something to make you angry?"

   "No, I'm just being selfish." Yeah, that's it. I don't need more than good luck to win. I'll take what I can get. I've already made a pretty decent life for myself here, without any real guidance.

   He scoffs "I find that hard to believe"

   "What do you mean?"


   We were in town by the time I started paying attention to my surroundings again. I just followed Obi again. I shake my head, Obi is not the best role model. If I keep following him blindly I'll definitely get into trouble one day.

   We pass a bakery and I run in quickly to buy some bread. I run back out to Obi who waited for me. I broke it in half and handed him the bigger half.

   We walked around the town while we ate. "At least there are places to walk here." I say. I looked forward to coming back to the castle, but Clarines is just a terribly slow kingdom.

   "Something fun will happen soon, it doesn't stay quiet here long."

   "Really? Because it's been quiet the entire time I've been here."

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