The Second Month

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"I really didn't mean to cause trouble."

"Who are you!" They were walking towards me now that my sword was on the ground.

"Oh, I forgot about that part, I'm Y/n Prince Zen's new aide."

"Where's your identification!" They were directly next to me now. Their swords were down, but they were still ready to use them need be.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about, but I really am Prince Zen's new aide."

They both grabbed one of my arms and twisted them behind my back to restrain me. "That's new, most say they lost it somewhere."

"What were you doing here?" The other asked.

"I was practicing sword skills because Prince Zen wanted me too."

"She's creative." He said to his friend.

They begin ushering me into the castle down hallways I've never been before. "Are you taking me to the dungeon?"

One of the guards snickers, "She's delusional, not creative. Dungeons are in fairy tails. We're just taking you to a cell." His tone was softer than before.

"You think I'm insane don't you." His tone suggested it. His tone was harsh but softened when his opinion of me changed.

"I think you have a bit of a crush on the Prince that lead you to act this way."

"So, you do think I'm insane. I understand why you would think that. I would be under the same impression in your shoes."

"She doesn't seem crazy." The second one spoke over my head to the first.

"I know you're knew, but they all seem that way at first."

"Yes, I'm insane, but I do have feelings. Say what you will but don't speak over my head like a child." I quietly add on, "I'm not that short anyways."

We came up to a cell and they walked me into it. By the time I turned around to face them again they slammed the bars in my face.

"If you do believe I'm insane, you shouldn't make loud noises. I might snap." I jump forward not even an inch and the second one flinched. "You're new aren't you."

"Go find Prince Zen, quickly now." The first ordered the second. He scurried away. "Why do you seem so calm in the position you're in."

"That's a good question." I thought about it for a second, "In my little excursion from home this is the second time in a position like this. However, I am worried Prince Zen will be annoyed with me that he has to come down here."

The man looked so tired with what I was saying, "You do realize, you aren't actually one of Prince Zen's aides, right?"

I sigh, "I am, but it seems like you'll only keep fighting me on this. Yes, I realize i am not one of Prince Zen's aides."

"That's a shame, I guess we'll have to leave you in there." Zen said nearing the cell.

"I can't believe it's been a few hours since I dropped you off and you're in here!" Obi laughed leaning on the bars of my cell. I jabbed his side and he moved away, still laughing.

"Not even Obi has been thrown in here." He smiled, "surprisingly."

"Hey! I wouldn't ever get caught! I'm too quick, clearly y/n needs training."

"No, I don't! Because I wouldn't run away from the castle guards, unlike you! And I would never do something that would get me in here to start!" He looked me up and down, then around the cell. "I didn't do anything this time! Please just let me out, Master."

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