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Some of Obi's POV :)

"You've invaded my tree, why's that different than a bed?" She says, barely awake.

I lay in the bed on top of the covers. It's an uncomfortable situation because she has no clue what this would mean to anyone else. I roll to talk, like we would in the tree.

Her eyes are open, but she's not seeing anything so I keep quiet. Her eyes slowly flutter shut and her quiet snores fill the room. Her chest rises and falls with the sound. She looks so peaceful.

I won't forgive myself for letting her get taken so easily. Especially because she feels guilty herself for not protecting me. She has a twisted outlook on the world, and I want to experience everything the same way.

I roll onto my back. She freed an entire household of slaves while in the process of being kidnapped. She probably had so many opportunities to escape but was so focused on helping those slaves. A twisted outlook on life, but it's cute.

I look back over to her. I can tell her plans have changed. She really will be leaving at the end of the year, and this time gunning to win. If she wins I'll never get to see her again, that's what she said.

I sigh, but there is no way I'll stop her because it's what she wants.

I fall asleep watching her shift in the covers.

I wake up to y/n thrashing, tangling herself in the blankets. She looks terrified, like the blankets are attacking her. I lean over her to straiten the blankets. If she keeps fighting them she might injure her ankle more.

I grab the edge and pull it over her fully, detanging it from her legs. Seconds later she intertwines herself again.

"Y/n you have to work with me here." I whisper.

She doesn't stop, so I toss the blanket to the floor, agitated. I go to lay back down on my side but she grabs my shirt.

"Obi-" she mumbles.

"You're awake now?"

"wake up."

"I am? Oh." She's dreaming.

I try to take her hand from my shirt, but her grip is tight and shaking. A nightmare then. I lay next to her and she turns to grab my shirt with her other hand. She presses her forehead into my chest.

She calmed down. I look down to her, being clingy. She would never do something like this awake. It's nice to see this side of her.

. . .

POV is normal again :)

I wake up sweating. I had a nightmare that was like a parallel universe. Alice already won the green. She ran the village like a tyrant and murdered anyone who opposed her. Worse than that is the events of the last few days played over again, only this time Masaru killed Obi.

It was so vivid. His short sword washed in his blood. Obi falling to the ground and the light dirt stained red.

I go to turn to face him, alive again, but his body heat is drowning me. He has his arm around my shoulders and leg over my torso. I can't move without waking him. Not that I would want to, it's incredibly comfortable where I am. So comfortable I start to doze off again.

I wake up again when the sun catches my eyes. This time chilly. I turn over and Obi is missing. I get up and leave the room.

Limping down the stairs I hear people talking over their breakfast. I didn't notice it was a tavern as well. At the bottom of the stairs I see Zen, Kiki, and Mitsuhide sitting at a table. Obi leans on the nearby wall.

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