Head Over Heels

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   I grudgingly keep pace with him.

   Finally we make it to what I assume to be our destination. The door is a copy of the one that leads to Zen's office. Maybe this is the mysterious 'his' office.

   The guard's raps on the door were followed by 'him' asking who it is.

   "It's me, I've brought Miss Y/n."

   "Come in." The voice is regal, suited for a prince.

   The guard opens the door and let's me in before him. The man waves the guard off and he quickly bows and shuts the door. The tall man infront of me has long blonde hair and blue eyes.

   "Hello, sir. You called for me?" I try to meet the politeness the guard showed him. Amusement glints in his eyes.

   "Yes I did, please come here."

   I walk forward to him as he leans against his desk, legs and arms crossed. He oozes superiority, like he knows he's better than everyone else.

   "You are Zen's newest aide, correct?" I nod. He called him by his first name. No one in the castle, other than his aides and Shirayuki do that. "What did he see in you?" His tone alone could slice someone. He meant that to hurt, and it did.

   "I can't say, sir. I often ask myself the same thing."

   "Do you think you're good enough to protect him?" What is he trying to accomplish with these questions?

   "No," I can tell that's not what he expected. Seems to me I threw a wrench in his intimidation scheme. Not that he needs to say more, I already have a healthy fear of this man. "But that's not for me to decide. He seems to believe in me, so I'll do everything I  can to earn that trust."

   "Now the only thing to wonder is if Zen's beliefs are placed in the right people."

   "With all do respect, sir, I don't think you know Master all too well to question his choices."

   "Are you angry I spoke down on you?"  Despite the way he's holding himself and his voice, I can tell he's enjoying this interaction.

   "No, I'm angry you look down on Master. As far as I'm concerned there is only one person who deserves to rule this kingdom and it's a damn shame he isn't the first in line." I kept my tone even despite wanting to yell.

   His facade breaks and he starts laughing. Controlled and still dignified, but a genuine laugh.

   "Sir" he says

   "Excuse me?"

   "Usually you refer to royalty as 'your majesty' or 'your highness'."

   I exhale, "You're the first Prince?"

   "That's all you have to say? No sorry?"

   "Your highness, I'm sorry for addressing you incorrectly."

   He chuckles, "and?"

   "And I can not apologize for my outbursts because it would imply I regret it and won't do something like that again."

   "Are you saying you would do it again?"

   "Only if pushed to."

   "Interesting." We stood in silence for what felt like a long time.

   He's the first prince, maybe I should have held my tongue, but for better or worse that's not something I can do.

   The silence is deafening. I have to hold back from fidgeting as my legs start burning from being still so long. I hold his steely gaze, which is not as harsh as it had been to start. I can't place what his game is. He hasn't even said why he wanted to see me yet.

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