That Chapter -_-

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   "for the winter this year."

   "What was that for?"

   "Nothing." He hummed, not making an effort to sound innocent.

   We came to the large green house where the roka plants would be. Inside the prettiest flowers were surrounding the paths.

   Shirayuki stops infront of a large plot full of white flowers. They were unique plants, not because of the blooms, but because of the dark purple leaves that are thick on the lighter colored stems. Sporadically along the stems were small green fruits x'd at the bottoms.

   Both Shirayuki and Obi start to wrap cloth over their noses. Obi just pulls up his green scarf.

(Important part here is "over their noses" because just covering your mouth does nothing. Wear you mask and wear you mask properly.)

   "The roka berries give off toxins, so you can't breathe them in." Shirayuki explains at my confused expression.

   "Okay, lemme go grab a cloth and I- thank you." I grab the cloth Obi held out for me.

   "Only grab pick the ones with the x's." Shirayuki instructs me.

   We work picking the fruit. There are a few baskets that need to be filled, so it will take some time. I can't imagine how long it would've taken Shirayuki had she done it herself.

   She's very head strong. The chances of her asking for help had we not been going to meet her were slim.

   I'll have to consider this a 'busy' day. Even though not much has actually been done. Mitsuhide and Kiki get to train the soldiers. I know that I'm still new, and when it comes to sword fighting, severely lacking. But it sounds fun.

   Thinking of how I could be more useful had the time pass quicker. Yet nothing reasonable came to mind. The baskets are already full and we're heading back to the court herbalists building. Each with a basket, Obi showing off with 2.

   In the building, Garak was handling several bottles of brown liquid. She was shelving some to replace others she'd taken down.

   "You're just in time!" She greets us, "I was just about to try some of the medicine!"

   "Count me in!" Obi cheers.

   "I'll have to pass." Shirayuki places her basket full of roka and walks away.

   "What about you?" Garak directs the question towards me.

   "You said it was medicine? What does it do?"

    "Heals the soul!" Chimed Obi again.

   As much as I doubt medicine can heal the soul like he claims, I sit down and accept a glass.

   Obi and Garak down their glasses in one go and look at me expectantly. I figure it's how it's supposed to be drunk(drank??) and do the same.

   It burns my throat and I start coughing. I can hear them laughing behind my fit. I stand up to get a cup of water to wash down the burning, but the room is swaying. I fall back down to my seat on the floor. My face is hot and everything is moving. My thoughts, the room, Mr Obi and Ms Garak, I can't focus on anything.

Obi's POV because drunk y/n isn't a reliable source of information.

   "I-i don't think- hic- the medicine is okay."

   "What're the chances of two lightweights?" I say exasperated

   "Lightweight?" Her voice is higher pitched and lighter than usual, but simultaneously heavy and thick.

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