Brother's Right

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   There is a lot that has happened. From the moment I set foot outside of the village's boundaries my entire perspective on life was molded. Everything I knew to be true was changed. I only hold on to facts of the village and nothing more. Everything else can change in a moments notice.

   The outside is broad and complicated compared to the simple life of the village. Hunt, cook, eat, wash, sleep. Hardly anything else ever happened. Good and evil were only concepts because everyone on the inside was the same.

   In such a small place everyone shares the same belief. We share our lives with each other. Pain was not a common occurrence, but when it came we took it together.

   "Y/n, you're lagging behind!" Obi calls from ahead.

   "Huh?" I look away from the small yellow flower. The butterfly flew away when Obi yelled. "Right, I'm coming! Sorry!" I run up next to him.

   We're patrolling the forest that surrounds the town outside of the castle walls. The guards who usually take this job are unwell now. They have each suffered from coming in contact with a poisonous plant. They are all on bed rest until the effects wear off.

   We aren't focused on infiltrators, rather the pesky plant that caused this. Shirayuki has a good idea of which plant it is. She showed us a picture from one of her books. Yellow leaves with sharp, spined edges.

   She said is was odd for such a plant to be growing here and that it usually grows more in the north east. So when we find it we're to take samples. She suspects the plant that caused the soldiers to fall ill is a sub species of the pokey yellow one.

   "Why do you think the plants causing so much trouble now?" I ask Obi.

   "After Prince Izana came he changed around the patrol route. Says if we change things often intruders will have a harder time planning an attack."

   "That's rather smart of him. Though expected, he is intelligent."

   "Yeah but-"

   "But he has an awful attitude." But despite that, "I can't help but admire him."

   Obi starts laughing beside me, "That's just like you."

   "Is it?" I turn my sight up to him, "how so?"

   He just shakes his head.

   "Fine, keep your secrets."

   "I will, thank you."

   We survey the grounds in silence. Shirayuki said it grows at the base of trees. Now that I think of it, a plant like that grows around the village. She did say it grows in the north eastern parts of this continent.

   Anytime the children ran into it they got sick very quickly. Even to the point of a fever. Never did anyone die because of it, but we did have a remedy to make it fade quicker.

   "Hey Mr Obi, I know a medicine to make the effects of the plant go away. I want to tell Miss Shirayuki, can we hurry this?"

   "Alright, I'll go the opposite way. If you or I find it just wait until the other makes it around the route."

   "Got it!"

   We walk away from each other. I keep a brisk pace surveying the base of each tree that borders the path.

   There isn't a single sign of the yellowish plant. It might be possible that to survive in this environment the color changed as well as other traits. That would be annoying if it changed that much. The remedy the healers used may not work on it anymore. Either way I should tell Shirayuki.

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