55 - The End

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Serena's POV:

Our wedding day was beautiful. I walked down the aisle with a beautiful wedding dress and Draco stood waiting at the end. It was one of the happiest days of my life. We-

"Mom!" a young boy's voice rings from downstairs. "Yes?" I yell, heading down the stairs. "Scorpius is cheating again," my oldest child complains. Cedric Malfoy had light brown hair and brown eyes from me. Our second child was Mia Malfoy, who had blond hair and gray eyes from Draco. Our third child was Natalia Malfoy, who had dark brown hair from me and blue eyes. And our last child was Scorpius who had pale platinum blond hair and grey eyes from Draco.

"Are you cheating Scorp?" I ask, sitting down on the sofa. The four kids are gathered around the coffee table with a board game in the middle. "No. Ced is just being a sore loser," Scorpius replied honestly. "I am not being a sore loser! Just admit that your cheating," Cedric whines. "How 'bout we play a different game? You don't want to get into a fight today, right Ced?" I suggest. Scorpius sticks out his tongue at Cedric and Mia puts the game back in the box.

The next morning came quickly. "You ready Ced?" I ask. He nods excitedly. "Alright. Say hi to Professor McGonagall from me," I say. "Moooom. I can't just go up to the Headmistress and tell her my mom said hi," he complains. Draco chuckles next to me. "Will you be disappointed if I get into a house you don't want me to be in?" Cedric asks quietly. I kneel down next to him. "It doesn't matter what house you get into. A house doesn't fully define you," I say. "Slytherin would be preferable," Draco mumbles. I shoot him a glare. "Have fun at Hogwarts," I say, giving him a kiss on his forehead. "I'll write to you guys every week!" Cedric says. "You better!" Draco says as Cedric boards the train. "Mommy, I want to go to Hogwarts too!" Natalia says. "You will. Just wait three years," I say. "That's not fair. Mia gets to go in two years," she complains. "That's because I'm older than you by one year," Mia answers with a grin. "What about me?" Scorpius asks. "Four years, Scorp. It's not too long," Draco answers.

That week, we receive our first letter from Cedric. 'Dear mom and dad, I got sorted on my first night here, and guess what house I got into? Hufflepuff! I know dad wants me to be in Slytherin but I enjoy being in Hufflepuff. Did you know that the Kitchens are right across from our common room? Anyway, I miss you guys! '

Draco stood by the door as I read the letter. "Soo, what house?" Draco asks. I roll my eyes. "Did I not tell you that it doesn't matter what house he's in?" I ask. "I didn't-" Draco starts to say. "Oh come on, babe. It's all over your face. You want him in Slytherin," I interrupt. Draco sits down on the bed next to me. "Is it that obvious?" he asks. I nod. "He's in Hufflepuff," I say. "Just like Diggory," he mumbles. "Just like Diggory," I repeat. When we were naming our first child, Draco said he'll let me pick the name as long as we could have another child. I named him after my best friend. Whether Draco regrets his decision on letting me name our first child or not, I'll never know.

Two years later, another letter comes. 'Hi, mom. Hi, dad! I got into Ravenclaw yesterday. I'm very excited and there are some cute guys in Gryffindor. I know, I know. I'm only 11. It's not like I'm looking for a relationship. I was just pointing it out. Tell Nat that I'm having so much fun and that I can't wait for when she's here with me next year! ' "Mia's in Ravenclaw," I tell Draco.

Another year passes and another letter arrives. 'Mom! Dad! I got into Gryffindor! I already made a new friend and it's only been a few days. Tell Scorp I said hi! ' "Natalia's in Gryffindor," I tell Draco. "Guess none of my children are going in Slytherin. My father won't like that," Draco sighs. "Wait one more year. We still have Scorpius," I say trying to cheer him up. "I love all our children the way they are. It's just my father," he mutters quietly. "I know you love them dearly. Don't worry about what your father thinks," I say. He nods as he buries his head in my hair. "I love you," he mumbles. "I love you too," I whisper.

When we receive a letter from Scorpius, I read it quickly. 'Dear mom and dad. I got into Slytherin and I made friends with this kid named Albus.' Draco looks at me with hopeful eyes. "Slytherin," I say with a smile. He grins. "We've got a child in each house," he says. "Hm. I guess we do. That's pretty awesome," I say.

Every year, the house would be empty until Christmas and Summer Break. During these few weeks, joy filled the house again. Cedric had graduated and went on to become an International Quidditch Player. A seeker, just like Cedric Diggory. Before we knew it, our children were married and we started having grandchildren of our own. "Gosh, I feel so old," I say to Draco one day. "You're still very beautiful. No matter how old you are," Draco says. I smile at him. "You're just as handsome as you were back at Hogwarts," I say. "Funny how much time has passed since we graduated," Draco says. "Do you remember when you asked me what I wanted to do with my life that day in the fifth year? It was then and there, in Astronomy Tower, when I decided I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you," he says. "And so you did," I say. Draco gives me a kiss. "And so I did."

A note from the author:
When I first started this book, I got like two reads a day. Last week, I reached 1,000 reads! I am beyond grateful for all of you that support me! Maybe one day, this fanfic of mine will reach, I don't know, maybe 5k? I finally finished this book after two months and I plan on writing another book. I'm thinking maybe a crossover between Harry Potter and Twilight? However, if I do, maybe you guys can check it out? Thank you guys so much for reading this book of mine!  -01/14/2021

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