22 - D.A.D.A. with Umbridge

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Serena's POV:

I walk with Draco to Defense Against the Dark Arts. I sit next to him behind Harry and Ron. "Well, good afternoon!" she says once everyone is seated. "Wands away and quills out please," she says. I grab my quill from my bag along with a notebook that Hermione got me.

Umbridge taps the blackboard with her wand and words start appearing. Everyone copies it down and when we are finished, she tells us to read a chapter in our book. I notice Hermione's arm shoot up. After a few minutes of Umbridge ignoring her, she finally says, "Do you have a question on the chapter, dear?" "No, I have a question about your aims," Hermione said. "I think that my aims are perfectly clear," Umbridge responds. "Well, your aims don't have anything to do with using defensive spells." Hermione points out. "There will be no need for using spells in my classroom. The ministry has decided for me to teach you in a risk-free environment." Umbridge says.

"What use is that? If we're going to be attacked anyway, it won't be risk-free." Harry says loudly. "This is school, Potter," Umbridge says. "So we're not supposed to be prepared for what is out there in the real world?" Harry demands. "There is nothing out there. Who do you imagine would attack innocent children like yourself?" she asks. "Hmm, let me think..." Harry says in a mocking thoughtful voice. "...maybe Lord Voldemort?"

"Ten points from Gryffindor," Umbridge says. I was furious. "For what? Telling the truth?" I ask. Umbridge looks at me and says, "Now, let us make one thing clear. You've all been told that a certain Dark Wizard has returned. Let me tell you, this is a lie." "It is NOT a lie!" Harry screams. "I saw him and I fought him!" Harry yells. "Detention, Mr. Potter. Tomorrow evening. Five 'o clock." Umbridge says.

Umbridge walks back to her desk and Harry stands up. "So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he?" Harry says, his voice shaking. I feel tears building up in my eyes as Draco reaches for my hand and holds it. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge says coldly. "An accident? Cedric was my best friend and I know that he would never leave by accident. So maybe next time, act like you actually care before you spread lies!" I spat. "Miss-?" she asks. "Serena McGonagall," I say coldly while avoiding her gaze. She smiles sweetly, "Like aunt, like niece. Both believing in the lies that Mr. Potter and Dumbledore spread." "Don't you dare insult my aunt," I say. "Now, where are your manners? Would you like to join Mr. Potter in detention tomorrow?" She asks. I stay quiet.

Umbridge smiles and turns her gaze back to Harry. "As I was saying, Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," she says. Draco squeezes my hand. "It was murder," Harry yells. "Voldemort killed him and you know it." "Come here, Mr. Potter," Umbridge says. Harry walks up, takes a piece of paper from Umbridge, and leaves the classroom.

I'm mad for the rest of the day and Draco tries to calm me down. "Calm down, babe," he said softly. I start complaining, "I can't believe that woman! 'Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident!' Like Cedric would break his promise to me on purpose! She doesn't even care! I mean look at her toadlike-" Draco turned still. "What?" I ask. "No, no. Continue. What were you saying about me?" I turn around see Umbridge. "How about ten points from Gryffindor and detention on Saturday. 3 'o clock." She says sweetly.

I groan. "Why Saturday?" I complain. "It's ok. Er, I can come with you." Draco offers. "No way. You are not wasting your Saturday waiting for me to finish detention." I say firmly. "Oh right. Tryouts. I'm trying out for the Gryffindor team." I say suddenly. "What position?" Draco asks. "Chaser. Cedric always said I'd make a good Chaser." I say. "Ok. When are tryouts?" he asks. "Friday," I answer. "Ok, I'll come to watch," Draco says. "Ooh, ok," I say.

I'm at tryouts but Harry isn't. He has detention with Umbridge and I wonder how it's going. "What position do you want?" the captain asks. "I'm trying out for chaser," I say. "Ok. Go against Ron, that way we can see both of your skills at the same time," she says.

I climb on my broom and grab a quaffle. I remember everything Cedric taught me two summers ago. I take a breath and speed forward. I throw the quaffle in the hoop. We do this for a while and Ron blocks some of my throws. Angelina watches us for a while and goes observe the other people trying out. Fred and George are cheering for me and Ron while Draco watches from the stands. After a while, Angelina calls us together. "After watching a bunch of you play, the position of Keeper goes to Ron Weasley. And our new Chaser will be Serena McGonagall," she announces. There you go, Cedric. I kept and fulfilled my promise. Fred and George run over to hug and congratulate me. "Who's your real sibling, her or me?" Ron jokes. "We like her better though," George says. "Yeah, she's not an ickle prefect," Fred adds. Ron frowns and leaves the quidditch pitch.

"Hey babe, congrats," Draco says. Fred and George burst out laughing. "What?" I demand. "I thought you were joking about dating!" Fred exclaims. "Who knew Draco had a romantic side!" George yells. The twins continue laughing as they leave.

"Isn't that what you said to me once?" Draco asks. "Yeah. In Astronomy Tower after the Yule Ball." I say. Draco brings me back to the Gryffindor common and says, "You were awesome today. Good night." I smile and enter the common room.

"You got detention with Umbridge?" Harry asks. I nod. "How many days?" he asks. "Er, just one tomorrow," I answer. He says, "Ok, just be careful."

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