20 - The Third Task

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Serena's POV:

Cedric told me about the last task. He had to enter a maze and get the cup. "Easy." I scoffed when he said this. "This is the biggest tournament of the century! Ten thousand galleons of prize money. Eternal fame. You really think that the last task will be easy?" I snap.

It's an hour before the last task and I'm with Cedric. "Remember, you make it out alive and you get a whole tray of macarons to yourself." I remind him and he grins. "Promise me you won't die on me." "I promise I won't die on you." Cedric promises. I hug him and I head for the stands.

The third task began and I'm in the stands with Hermione and Ron. "My mum thinks Harry will win." Ron says. "Fred and George are betting three galleons that Harry will too." I add. "Three galleons? Do they have that little confidence in Harry?" Hermione asks. I shrug. "Well, no one knows what's in that maze, so it could be kind of risky betting a lot of money." I say. A while later, Harry appears with the cup. Trumpets start playing and people start cheering, but I notice what is on the ground next to Harry.

If I had a mirror, I would be able to see that all the color had drained from my face and that I was as pale as a ghost.

Cedric was laying lifeless on the ground. I was too shocked to do anything. I just stared. He can't be gone. He promised that he wouldn't die on me. Amos rushes forward as Professor Moody takes Harry away.

I don't know what I was doing anymore. I let my legs carry me to the seventh floor where a door appears. The Room of Requirement. I open the door and walk in to a room with a bed and a picture of Cedric on the wall. "Dammit Diggory. You liar. You lied to me Cedric." I shout at the picture. "How can you just leave me." I say, sobbing. I'm mad at Cedric and I know I shouldn't be. It's not like he wanted to die. I sit alone in the Room of Requirement for a few hours.

I realize that I should probably check on Harry. I walk to the Hospital wing and Harry is in a bed. A red haired woman, a black dog, Ron, and Hermione are standing next to his bed. Harry was asleep so there was no point in visiting him.

A few days passed and Harry finds me. "Hey, are you ok?" I ask. He nods. "I should tell you something." he says. "What?" I ask. "Well, Cedric- I don't know how to explain this, but I saw him as a ghost for a brief moment. And he told me two things." Harry says slowly. "He asked me to bring his body back to his father. And he told me to tell you-" he pauses. "That he's sorry he couldn't keep his promise." "Well, there's nothing to be sorry for. He shouldn't have made a promise he couldn't keep." I say coldly. "Are you mad at him for dying? You know he didn't want to. He didn't have a choice!" Harry yells. I start crying softly. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep him alive." he says quietly. "No one blames you, Harry. Is he really back?" I ask. Harry nods sadly. "Was it him who killed Cedric?" I ask. Harry says, "He ordered someone to kill Cedric." "Ok. Thanks for telling me, Harry." I say, getting up to leave. "What are you going to do now?" he asks. "I need to see someone." I say and I leave.

Malfoy and I meet in Astronomy tower. "Your father's a deatheater, right?" I ask. He sits down next to me and thinks about his answer. "Don't try to lie. I've had enough with people lying to me. Draco, tell me the truth." I say. Draco slowly nods. "The person your father serves killed my best friend." I tell him. Draco doesn't reply. Finally he speaks, "I'm sorry." "For what?" I ask. "I'm sorry you lost your best friend. But you have to let go." he says. I'm quiet for a while. "Serena, it hurts me to see you this sad." Draco says. "Why? What do I mean to you?" I say coldly. Draco takes a breath. "Because, I love you. And you mean everything to me." he says.

"I think I love you too." I say quietly. "Let's go do something to take your mind off of things." Draco says.

Draco brings me to the Kitchens. "You can teach me how to make macarons." he says. I laugh. "Ok. Er, sift the almond flour and powdered sugar in a bowl." I instruct while handing him the ingredients. He starts sifting and after a few minutes, he says, "Do muggles actually do this 'sifting' thing? It hurts my hands." I laugh. "Ok, I'll sift it then. You can deal with the egg whites." I say. I start sifting while giving Draco instructions on what to do. "What color do you want it to be?" I ask. "Green." Draco says immediately. I hand him a bottle of green food coloring. "Ok, now. Time for the macronage." I say, using a dramatic voice. Draco laughs. I show him how to fold the batter and I pipe the macarons. "We have to let it sit for like an hour so the shell can form." I tell Draco.

When Draco and I finally finish the macarons, it's nighttime. "Let's give some to Blaise." I suggest. "Wait, Serena." Draco says suddenly. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. I look at him and think about how sweet he is. "Yes." I say. Then Draco's lips crash onto mine. This time, I kiss him back.

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