5 - Snape's Detention

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Serena's POV:

I wait outside Snape's office for my detention. Then out of all people, Malfoy came out and said, "Snape said you can go in now." I walk in to see Snape sitting at his desk. "Ms. McGonagall," he says. "Err, Professor Snape," I say. "I will not be in charge of your detention tonight. I am leaving Mr. Malfoy to be in charge of your detention. Do whatever he thinks up as your punishment. I will be back in... two hours and Mr. Malfoy will let me know how you did." Snape says. Great. Just my luck. Snape left and Malfoy turned to me with a smirk. "So to start off, I think you should sit right there." I sat down unsurely. "Now drink three drops of this." I look at the drink suspiciously. "I don't think I want to," I say. "Oh but you have to, or I'll make you manually, or I'll tell Snape," Draco said. "What exactly is that?" I ask. "You'll find out soon enough," Draco said. I sigh and drink the potion.

"What's the point of this drink?" I ask. "Do you feel different?" "No." "Ok, let's get started. I'm going to ask you some questions. Do you fancy anyone?" "No." I guess not. It just slipped out without me realizing. Draco frowns and says, "Ok then. What do you think of Potter?" "Harry's a great friend," I say. "What do you feel about the Weasley twins?" "They're nice. They're like brothers to me." "Hm, what about Longbottom?" "Uh, Neville's great, but really shy." 'Ok, last question, what do you think of me?" "I think that you're a really handsome git." I put my hands over my mouth. Why did I tell him I thought he was hot? Malfoy turned red and said, "Ok. Finished. The potion's wearing off anyway."

He turns away and I say, "What the hell was that? And why do you care what I think of other people?" "Veritaserum. Truth potion. And, err, one of my friends fancies you and wanted me to find out if you, err, fancy him back." he says. "Then, why'd you ask how I felt about you?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. "I, um, was just curious," he answered. I stand up and say "Then why-" "Will you stop asking questions? It's part of your detention. Now just sit there." Malfoy interrupted. "That's all for my punishment?" I ask. "Yes, now be quiet," Malfoy said impatiently. I sat down happily. I was glad that was all I had to do for my detention.

A while later, Snape reentered the classroom. "I see no difference. What did you have her do?" "I had her test some of the student's potions, to help you finish grading them faster." He picks up three flasks. "These three are good. They worked very well." "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. You two may go now." Snape said.

I head out of the potions classroom, Malfoy tailing behind me. I stop abruptly and he crashes into me. "What the hell was that for?" Malfoy asked. "You lied. About the detention. I only drank one potion and it wasn't even made by another student." I state. "Well, there was some truth in that lie so it's not exactly a lie. You drank my potion and tested it." Malfoy said. I nod slowly and continue to make my way back to the common room. Malfoy continued to follow me. I was nearing the Fat Lady's portrait when I whirled around and shouted, "Will you STOP following me? Your common room's not even near here." "I was just making sure you got here safe with Sirius Black loose and stuff. But seeing as you don't want my help, I'll leave then." Malfoy snapped. "Oh, thanks then," I mumble. "Fortuna major," I say and the portrait swings open.

"Oi, George, look who's back," Fred says immediately. I sit down on the sofa next to them. "So, how'd it go?" George asks. "Fine. Snape left Malfoy in charge and he made me drink some type of truth potion and asked me a bunch of questions." I say. "That's not too bad. Snape made us clean all the cauldrons in the classroom." George says. "Absolutely terrible," Fred said. "Anyways, what are you going to do now?" Geoge asks. "Homework and then sleep," I say. "Speaking of which, have you guys seen Hermione? She said she would help me with my Herbology homework." I ask while looking around the common room. "Check the library, she's always there." Fred says. "Wouldn't you rather hang out with us though?" George says, grinning. I laugh, "Of course I would choose you two over homework but I already made plans with Hermione!" George pouts. "Well, I'll see you guys later!" I say and I left the room to head for the library.

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