37 - Back Together

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Serena's POV:

Months passed and then it became Ron's birthday. "Here. Happy Birthday," I say, handing him a gift. "Thanks!" he says.

That night, Hermione said that she was going to the Hospital Wing because Ron had been poisoned. Weren't they in a fight? Turns out, Professor Slughorn gave Ron a drink for his birthday but the drink was poisoned. Obviously, it wasn't poisoned by Slughorn so someone else had poisoned it.

Ron had to stay in the Hospital Wing for another week so McLaggen took his place in our match against Hufflepuff. During the match, he grabs the bat and hits a Bludger. Except, the Bludger hit Harry in the face. "WHAT THE HELL MCLAGGEN?" I yell from across the field as Harry falls to the ground. I grab the Quaffle and I score a goal. The game ended with a score of 320-60. "What the hell were you doing back there?" I ask McLaggen. "It was Harry's fault. If he hadn't distracted me, then I wouldn't have hit him," he says. "So who's fault was it when you let seventeen Quaffles into our goal?" I ask. "Those were lucky shots Hufflepuff made," he says. Furious, I storm away from him.

Recently, whenever I tried to go to the Room of Requirement, two girls would shriek and throw scales on the ground. I had enough of them today when they shrieked. "Oh for Merlin's sake, will the two of you get a grip?" I shout. Usually I'd just leave, but today I didn't. I reach for the handle of the door and pull it open.

In the room was Draco Malfoy. He was examining a... cabinet? Outside, the two girls shriek again. Draco turns around and looks at me. "I, um- I'm just gonna go now," I say quickly. "Serena, wait!" Draco says. "How long have you had the Dark Mark?" I ask. "Since June," he says. I nod and I rush out of the room. He's had it since June. He had so many chances to tell me, but he didn't. And when I asked about it, he lied. I was upset and tired of being lied to. Maybe leaving him was the right thing to do. I walk past the two girls and they scream again. "Silencio." I say coldly.

During breakfast in the Great Hall the next day, I see a familiar face. "Katie! You're back!" I exclaim. "Yeah. How was Quidditch?" she asks. "Terrible. Our last match, we lost 320-60 with McLaggen," I say. "What happened?" she asks. "He decided he was too good so he grabbed a bat and hit a Bludger. It hit Harry and our seeker landed in the Hospital Wing with a cracked skull," I say. "Oh. Our seeker is coming. Hey, Harry!" Katie says. "Can I speak to Katie in private?" Harry asks me. "Sure," I say, leaving the two alone.

I glance back at them a few minutes later and Harry was gone. "What happened to Harry?" I ask Katie. "Oh, he went chasing after Malfoy," she says. Shit. This wasn't going to be good. "Where'd they go?" I ask. "To the bathroom," said a dreamy voice behind me. "Are you always trying to scare me, Luna?" I ask. "No. I think there might be some wackspurts around here. They make your brain go fuzzy," Luna says in her dreamy voice. I thank Luna and I run towards the bathroom.

I run into the bathroom and I see Draco lying in a pool of blood. "What the fuck did you do Harry?" I ask, panicking. "I-I don't know," he answers. "WELL ARE YOU GOING TO STAND THERE OR GO FIND A TEACHER?" I shout. Harry gives me a worried look as he rushes out of the bathroom. I look at Draco's tired face and he has tears in his eyes. "It's ok. Harry's going to find a teacher and you'll be fine," I say. "I'm sorry," he mutters. "I forgive you. Just stay with me, okay? Don't leave me," I beg. "I love you," he says. "I love you too. Just wait a few more minutes," I say.

Professor Snape comes rushing in and says, "Out of the way, McGonagall." I move away from Draco and Snape bends down. He starts muttering something and the blood returns to Draco's body. A wave of relief washes over me. "McGonagall! Bring him to the Hospital Wing," Snape orders. "And you, Potter. Stay right here."

I help Draco to the Hospital Wing where Madam Pomfrey immediately takes him and rushes me out. After a few hours, Madam Pomfrey lets me in. "He's been asking for you so I thought it'd be best to let you see him," she says. I nod and I head over to where Draco was.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I ask. "Better, now that you're here," he says. He gives me a smirk. "Leave it to you to say something cheesy and smirk even when you're injured," I say. He looks at me and smiles. He pulls me in and kisses me. I kiss him back. "I missed you so much," he says. "I missed you too," I say. I look at the dark shadows underneath his eyes. "You need rest," I say. "No. Stay with me. Please." he begs. I sigh and I sit down on the bed. "You're not mad at me anymore, right?" he asks. I shake my head no. "You know I love you. I had to keep it a secret from you to keep you safe," he says softly. I nod. "Remember what you told me last Christmas? You said you knew it would be because I had no choice. And that's true. I have no choice but to do the task he's given me," he says. "What task?" I ask. "I can't tell you right now," he answers. "I did think that it was because you had no choice and I still do. I was just mad at you because you looked me in the eye and lied to my face," I say quietly. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to but I thought that by lying, I could protect you," he says. "Thank you for trying to protect me. But next time just let me know," I say. He nods and he sits up. "What are you doing?" I ask. He shifts to left of the bed and gestures for me to go in the bed. Reluctantly, I get in the bed. He rests his head on me and falls asleep.

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