35 - Cursed & Revealed

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Serena's POV:

As weeks passed, lessons got harder and the number of tests increased. I was stuck in a cycle of go to lessons, study, sleep, repeat. The only thing I looked forward to was Quidditch tryouts.

During tryouts, many girls from different houses came. I could see that they were starting to get on Harry's nerves and that Harry would lose his temper soon. "If you're not in Gryffindor then get out," I say to a bunch of girls from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. They frowned at me and reluctantly leave the Quidditch Pitch. Harry gives me a grateful smile. "You two don't have to try out you know. I've seen you guys play," Harry says to me and Katie. "You mustn't think like that. Good teams have been ruined before because Captains kept old faces and let in their friends," Katie protests. Harry rolls his eyes and says, "Alright. You two are up." Katie and I mount our brooms and Harry throws the Quaffle to us. Katie catches it and throws it at me. I catch it, throw it back to her and she throws it in the goal. This goes on for a while until Harry decides who the Chasers are. The three Chasers were me, Katie, and Ginny. The two Beaters were Jimmy Peakes and Ritchie Coote. And Ron got the position of Keeper.

That weekend, I went to Hogsmeade with Draco. I haven't been able to see much of Draco lately. "Let's go to Three Broomsticks," he suggests. "Ok," I say. I walk with him to Three Broomsticks and we sit at a table near the bathroom. "Want anything?" he asks me. "No. I don't really like Butterbeer. Also, why'd you choose the table next to the bathroom?" I say, wrinkling my nose. We talk for a few minutes and he suddenly gets up to leave. "I have to go. I just remembered something. I'll see you later, ok?" he says quickly. I give him a nod and he leaves the pub. I spot Ron, Hermione, and Harry and I join them.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" I ask. "Nothing. We were just about to leave. Wanna come?" Hermione asks. "Sure!" I say. We walk towards the castle and we hear two people screaming. We turn around and I see Katie yelling at her friend. Katie's friend grabs for a package that Katie was holding and Katie pulls on it, falling backward. She rises into the air and then she lets out a terrible scream. As she continues to rise, her friend reaches for her ankles. Ron, Hermione, and I help out as Harry runs off, most likely to get help. Katie falls to the ground as Harry and Hagrid come running to us. Hagrid picks up Katie and runs off toward the castle.

"What happened?" I ask her friend. "The package. She went into the bathroom at the Three Broomsticks and came out with the package. She said she has to deliver it but I tried to stop her because I thought it was dangerous," her friend says. Harry peers into the package and says, "Malfoy knows about the necklace. It must've been him." "Wait, I was with Draco before. We were at the Three Broomsticks and we were sitting near the bathroom," I say quickly. "Then it must've been him!" Harry says. "That's weird. He didn't have that package when he was with me," I point out.

Then Ron says, "McGonagall!" I turn around thinking he's speaking to me. I see my aunt hurrying toward us. "You five! Come with me. And what is that thing you're holding, Potter?" she demands. "It's the thing she touched," Harry says. My aunt takes the package and gives it to Filch. "Take this to Professor Snap immediately. Be sure not to touch it!" she orders.

Professor McGonagall leads us to her office and then she turns to us. "Well? What happened?" she demands. Harry and Katie's friend explains what happened. Then Harry says, "I think Draco Malfoy gave Katie the necklace, Professor." I look at Harry shocked. "I told you already that he was with me!" I say. "Well you're just defending him cause he's your boyfriend!" Harry says. There's a look of shock on my aunt's face. I glare at him and I storm out of the office.

Later that night, Hermione tells me about Harry's theory of Draco being a Deatheater. "Draco wouldn't hide something like that from me," I say. "I don't believe it either. But there's no point in arguing with Harry," she says. "I do think it was a bit... reckless of him to tell your aunt something like that," she says quietly. I sigh. "I just wish my aunt didn't find out like that. I was going to tell her sometime," I say.

The next few days, I avoid Harry as much as possible. "You know you're going to have to face him sooner or later. I hear that he's planning on having Quidditch practice soon," Hermione points out. I roll my eyes but I knew she was right. That night, at seven o' clock, I walk down to the Quidditch Pitch. Dean Thomas substitutes Katie as a Chaser and he's not that bad.

After practice Harry comes to me. "Hey can I talk to you for a second?" he asks. "No," I say, grabbing my stuff. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said in front of your aunt," he says quickly. "Are you really? Or is it because I'm on the Quidditch team? Cause I feel like you're only apologizing so that things aren't so awkward during practice," I say coldly. "Fine! I apologized. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not!" he says, temper rising. "There goes your temper again." I mutter underneath my breath. "What?" he asks. I grab the last of my things and I leave.

The next morning I walk into the Great Hall and I sit next to Neville. "I heard you and Harry had a fight," he says. "Oh, uh, it's nothing," I say. I did want to forgive Harry but for some reason I couldn't.

After breakfast, I rush down to the Quidditch Pitch. Harry and Ron are talking in whispers and when I peek out, I see Luna wearing a hat in the shape of a lion. "Are you guys ready?" Harry asks. There are scattered answers so Harry says, "Alright, let's go out there and flatten Slytherin." We grab our brooms and head into the stadium. On Madam Hooche's signal, we mount our brooms and the game begins. During the game, Ron made some of the most spectacular saves I have ever seen. The game ended with Harry catching the snitch and a victory to Gryffindor.

That night, the Gryffindor common room erupted in party. I wasn't feeling it so I went to the seventh floor. I want a quiet place to think about things. A door appears in front of me and I walk in. I sit down on the cushion and I think about what Hermione and everyone else is saying. Could Draco really be a Deatheater? Then I hear someone behind me. I turn around and I come face to face with Draco.

"Draco? What are you doing here?" I ask. "Nothing. I came here by accident," he says quickly. "You haven't talked to me all week. Are you hiding something?" I ask. "No. Why would I?" he asks. "I don't know. Just wondering," I say. And without warning, I grab his left arm and pull up his sleeve. There on his arm was a tattoo of a skull and a snake. He had been branded with the Dark Mark. He was a Deatheater.

Draco pulls his hand away. "Why'd you do that?" he asks with fury in his voice. "Harry was right. You are a Deatheater. And you lied to me. You lied. Right. To. My. Face," I yell. Draco doesn't look at me. "So that's how it's going to be? Your not even going to say anything?" I ask, tears in my eyes. He doesn't speak. "Alright then," I say. And with that, I leave the Room of Requirement.

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