8 - Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff

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Serena's POV:

I'm at the Quidditch match with Neville. It's raining hard so it was almost impossible for me to see anything. All I could do was hope that Cedric was alright and that Harry would get the snitch. I could hear Lee on the commentary. I hoped that the twins were alright as well. I squint to see Harry flying up into the air and Cedric tailing behind him. They were both going really high up and at that point, even Lee was silent. No one could see anything.

Then something falls from the sky and I realize that it was Harry. I hold my breath as Dumbledore casts a spell to keep him from hitting the ground. Then, Lee's voice yells, "CEDRIC DIGGORY HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! HUFFLEPUFF WINS!"

Dumbledore is furious that the Dementors interfered with our game. After Harry is carried to the Hospital Wing, I rush to check if the twins and Cedric were okay. The twins were fine so I look for Cedric. Cedric was talking to Madam Hooch. "That wasn't fair. We need a rematch. The Dementors interfered!" he yells. "A game's a game, Diggory. You caught the snitch. There is no need for a rematch." Madam Hooch replies. Cedric sees me and I run to hug him. "Thank Merlin you're okay. I was so worried!" I say. Cedric returns the hug and laughs. "I'm fine! We should go check on Potter though." he says.

We're standing around Harry's bed, waiting for him to wake up. Harry's eyes snap open and he immediately starts asking questions. "Sorry Harry, I tried to convince Hooch to give us a rematch." Cedric says. Before Harry could answer, Madam Pomfrey rushes in and tells us all to leave.

"Well, that was quite a match." I say awkwardly. "Yeah, I've never seen Dumbledore so mad before." Cedric adds.

Draco's POV:

News travels fast in Hogwarts. Within minutes after the match, I got word that Potter fell off his broom. I laugh as I sit on the couch in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin common room. "Hey, guess what?" Zabinni says. "What?" I ask. "I saw McGonagall and Diggory together after the match. Those two have to be dating. But seriously, a Hufflepuff? I thought McGonagall could do better." he says. McGonagall and Diggory. I storm out of the common room, leaving Zabbini confused.

I look around the castle hoping to spot them. I'm near the Hufflepuff common room when I see them slip into the kitchens. I stand in front of the portrait, wondering how to get in. I press on each of the fruits in the bowl. Nothing happened. "Alohomora." I attempt. Nothing. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see the pear move slightly. I tap the pear. Nothing. I tickle the pear. It giggles and a door appears. I keep my face calm and collected as I walk in.

I see Diggory and McGonagall at the back of the kitchen. Diggory is watching McGonagall as she whisks something in a bowl. I walk towards them. "What are you doing?" I ask. They look up surprised. "How'd you get in?" Diggory asks. "We're making macarons. Want some?" McGonagall asks. "What are macarons?" I ask. "They're like really soft cookie sandwiches with cream in the middle. Muggles make them." She says. "Muggles? And you know how to make them?" I ask. "Yeah. The one's Serena makes are really good." Diggory says. "Aww, thanks Ced." McGonagall says. "Save me some." I say. "Okay." McGonagall says.

I leave the kitchen feeling happy because I talked to McGonagall, but sad because she was with Diggory. Why don't I have control of my feelings anymore? Why do I feel the way I do when she's around? What is she doing to me? My head is full of questions when I walk back into the Slytherin common room.

"What happened to you Malfoy?" Zabbini asks. "I just remembered I had something to do. Stop being so nosy." I snap. I head into my room and jump on the bed. I groan. "What the hell is going on with you?" Zabinni asks. He was following me. "Ugh. It's none of your business Blaise." "Well, clearly there's something wrong." "No there isn't. Leave me alone." "If you say so." Blaise leaves and I'm alone in my room. I must've been there for a few hours because when I finally got up, the sun was setting and the common room was empty. Everyone must've went to the Great Hall.

I enter the Great Hall and sit down next to Blaise. I picked at my food. Then I saw Diggory and McGonagall and lost my appetite completely. As dinner was coming to an end, McGonagall came to our table. "Here." She says, handing me a box. Zabbini looks at me weird. I open it and see some type of food. "Those are macarons. Try them." she says. I take one and eat it. It was sweet and so good as well. "So? Do you like them?" She asks. "Yeah, they're good." I answer. "Consider it a late Christmas present." she says. She leaves our table and heads back to the Gryffindor table.

"What are those?" Zabbini asks, grabbing one. "Macarons. Did I say you could have one?" I growl. Zabbini takes a bite and says, "Bloody hell. These are amazing." He attempts to grab another one, but I take the box away from him.

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