47 - Escape from Malfoy Manor

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Serena's POV:

Bellatrix throws me into the dungeons. "Hey Luna," I say, getting up. "Oh hello, Serena. Want to sit here? It's warmer," she says, gesturing to a spot next to her. "Ooh, thanks," I say. "How'd you end up here?" she asks. "Er, I came here and I got caught. What about you?" I ask. "On the train ride. They broke into my cabin and took me," she says. Oh right. Draco wanted me to sit with him that day so I didn't see her get taken. "Well, I reckon we won't be here for much longer," Luna says serenely. She holds up the DA coin. "Neville says that everything is good back at Hogwarts and he'll let us know if he sees Harry," Luna explains. "My coin is back at school. All I've got on me is a vial of Phoenix tears," I say.

The dungeon door opens and Draco comes in. "Here's a blanket and the book you were reading," he says, handing me the stuff. He leans down next to me and whispers, "I'm really sorry. I'll find a way to get you out of this." He gives me a quick kiss and leaves the dungeon. Luna looks at me and says, "I never thought you two-" "Yeah, we're dating," I interrupt quickly. I look around the dungeon. The wandmaker Olivander and a goblin were here too. I give the blanket to Olivander. "Here, you need it more than I do," I say. Olivander gratefully takes the blanket from me. I sit back down next to Luna who was reading the book Draco brought me. "So, what do you guys do down here?" I ask. "Nothing, really," Luna answers. She flips the page. Then the dungeon doors open once more. This time Bellatrix enters and grabs me.

She brings me up to the living room where the Malfoy family was gathered around three people. "Do you know who this is?" she asks. I look at a person who's face was puffy like they just had an allergic reaction. It was Harry. I turn to the other two and quickly realized they were Ron and Hermione. "Well?" she asks. I don't answer. "Fine. We'll have to force it out of you then. Let's try... seeing your worst fears," she says simply. She points her wand at me and says, "Legilimins."

Images of Cedric dying flash through my mind. I see Hogwarts falling. Draco leaving. And Peter Pettigrew shooting the Killing Curse. Then when Blaise performed the Curciatus curse on me. Amycus almost killing me during the detention. Then earlier memories. "STOP! Stop. P-Please stop," I beg as I cry. I look at Draco and I beg him to make the pain stop with my eyes. Draco starts to move but Lucius holds him back. "Who is that? Is that Potter and his friends?" Bellatrix asks. I don't answer. I could never sell them out like that. "Fine. Lucius, bring the boggart," Bellatrix says. "I've learned a few ways of torture from the Carrows. So if you want to cut some slack, then spill it!" Bellatrix whispers in my ear. I ignore her and Lucius returns with a trunk. Bellatrix takes my wand away and opens the trunk.

Then all I see is Cedric, dead on the ground. I knew it was a boggart but it seemed so real. I move backwards as the dead version of Cedric stands up. "I left you on purpose. Because I don't care about you," it says. My heart ached as I heard these words. "You don't mean that," I mutter. "Then why else would I die?" it says. Then there was a green light and the boggart, disguised as Cedric, falls to the ground. "No, no, no. Stop! Please," I scream. "Draco looks like her heart is with someone else," Bellatrix taunts. "So, is it Potter and his friends? Answer the question," Bellatrix says. "No. It's not," I lie through sobs. Then Bellatrix shrieks as she looks at something on the floor. "Where'd you get that?" she demands. I turn my head slightly and I see the Sword of Gryffindor lying on the ground. "Bring those two and her back to the dungeon. Leave the mudblood girl here," Bellatrix orders. Someone picks me up and tosses me back into the dungeon.

"Bloody hell! Are you alright?" Ron asks. I give him a weak nod. "You lied for us. You went through all that for us and she still found out," Harry says. Then I hear Hermione screaming upstairs. Harry takes a mirror out of his sock, similar to the one I used to communicate with Fred and George. "Send help. Please!" Harry says into the mirror. Then behind me, there was a loud crack. A house-elf appeared. "Dobby!" Ron exclaims. "Bring Serena, Luna, and Olivander to Shell Cottage and meet us back here," Harry orders. Dobby offers me a hand and the four of us apparate.

In a matter of seconds, we were on a beach. There was another crack and Dobby apparates again. After thirty minutes pass, they still weren't back and I was getting worried. "They'll be fine," Luna says. "I heard you screaming before. What were you screaming about?" Luna asks. "Nothing. It doesn't matter," I mutter. Then there was another crack and the rest of the people arrive. I let out a breath of relief. I see Dobby in the water with a knife in his stomach. "Harry, Dobby's hurt!" I say as I run towards Dobby. Harry goes for Dobby too. "Bellatrix's knife- Hermione, do you have anything? A vial, a potion, anything?" Harry yells. Her knives are coated with Basilisk venom. Phoenix tears can heal that. I grab the vial of Phoenix tears and uncap it. A few drops can heal a lot. I drop a few drops of the clear liquid on Dobby's wound. The wound starts healing as I put the stopper back on the vial. "You saved us twice today," Hermione says. Hermione gives me a hug.

That night, Hermione comes into my room. "I've been meaning to ask you. When Bellatrix read your mind, what did she see that was so bad?" Hermione asks. "I'd rather not talk about it. It's all pretty stupid reasons," I say quietly. "It's not stupid. We all saw the way you reacted. I'm sure they are perfectly good reasons," Hermione says. "How did my reaction look like to you?" I ask. "Well, you were obviously in pain. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. I felt terrible that you went through all of that," Hermione says. "I saw so many different bad memories and bad thoughts that I've had. Cedric dying, Draco leaving, Hogwarts gone. It was so terrible!" I say, shaking at the thought of it. Hermione pulls me into a tight hug. "It's alright. It'll be okay."

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