9 - The Break-In

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Serena's POV:

I wake up to Hermione softly pushing me. "Hey Serena, wake up," she says gently. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's a little after two. Come on. Everyone has to go to the Great Hall now." she answers. "Why?" I ask, still tired and not wanting to move. "There was a break-in and they need to check if Sirius Black is hiding in the school," Hermione replies. This got me up. I quickly get up and head to the Great Hall with Hermione. The tables in the Great Hall weren't there anymore. They were replaced with sleeping bags.

Someone grabs me from behind and hugs me. "Are you okay?" he asks. I look into his concerned grey eyes. "I'm fine, Ced! What happened anyway?" I ask. "Sirius Black was seen in one of the Gryffindor dorms. That's why I was worried. I thought it might've been in your dorm." he says. "Oh." was all I could say. "Hey, McGonagall!" someone says. It was Blaise Zabbini, followed closely by Malfoy. "You got any more of those tiny sweet cookie sandwiches?" he asks. "I told you that they were called macarons," Malfoy growls. "Whatever. Malfoy here, only let me have one. Can you make me some?" Zabbini asks. "And why should I? After what you said to Fred and George, I don't think so." I snap. "How about we make a deal. You make me some macaronis and I'll keep what's going on between you and Diggory a secret," he says.

"There is nothing going on between me and Cedric. We're just friends." I say. "Sure. Just friends. Hey Diggory!" he shouts. Cedric turns around and says, "What?" "Is it true that you're dating McGonagall? You can tell me. I see the way you look at her." Zabbini taunts. "Serena's my friend. We're not dating," he says. "Yeah, leave us alone now. And I'll consider making you some macarons." I say.

I turn to Cedric. "We are just friends, right? Because I see you as my best friend, but that's really it." "You're really pretty and all, but I'm not interested you in that way. I see you as my best friend too." Cedric reassures me. "Oh ok, good," I say, letting out a breath of relief. I smile and say, "I'm going to go to sleep now. I'm really tired. See you tomorrow?" I ask. "Yeah, see you!" Cedric says.

I wake up in the morning. I sit up to see that everyone else is still sleeping. Well, except for Malfoy. He was sitting up, deep in thought. I walk out of the Great Hall silently so I didn't wake anyone up. Outside, I see my aunt having a conversation with Snape and Dumbledore. She sees me and says, "Serena, come here." I head towards her and she pulls me away into an empty classroom. "Are you alright?" she asks with concern in her voice. "I'm fine. I just wanted to go back into my dorm to brush my teeth and stuff." I say. "This early? It's six in the morning and its Saturday. You don't have any classes." she says. "I want to go to Hogsmeade. Besides, I can't sleep." I say. "Hogsmeade is very dangerous right now. Sirius Black may not be in Hogwarts, but he could be in Hogsmeade." my aunt says. "Don't worry about me. Besides, I'll be going with friends." I reassure her. She sighs and says, "Just watch out and be careful." I nod and head back to my dorm. I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and put on a decent outfit.

"Hey, Serena! Wanna go to Hogsmeade with me?" Cedric asks. "Sure." I answer. We head to Hogsmeade and I ask, "Where do you want to go? Shrieking Shack?" "I've never been to Shrieking Shack before. Let's go there." he says. We head up to Shrieking Shack and I already see three figures there. Oh Godric. "You know what. Let's go somewhere else." I say, turning around quickly.

Too late. We were noticed. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle head towards us. "Oh look at that. Two pure-bloods. A Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff." Malfoy sneers. "You say it like it's a bad thing." Cedric says defensively. "It is a bad thing. How does it feel like to not be in the most superior house? How does it feel to be in the worst house there is, Hufflepuff?" Malfoy asks. I grab Cedric's arm and lead him away from Malfoy. "Frick Serena. I could've beat him up." "Yeah, we don't need more trouble. Besides, he's a waste of your time and energy." Cedric sighs. "Sometimes, I wish I was mean enough to beat someone up. Even if he let me, I probably wouldn't." "That's why so many people love you. You're so fair and nice." "Wanna go for some Butterbeer?" "Sure."

We enter the Three Broomsticks and Cedric orders two Butterbeers. "Oh, I don't want anything." I say quickly. "Sorry, make it one Butterbeer." Cedric says to the owner. He gets his Butterbeer and we sit down at a table. "Are you sure you don't want a Butterbeer?" he asks. "No, I don't really like Butterbeer. Other wizards are obsessed with it and I haven't the slightest idea why." I say. "You don't like Butterbeer? But it's so good!" Cedric exclaims. "Everyone has a different opinion." I say. Cedric laughs. We spend around an hour hanging out at the pub and then we head back to the castle for dinner in the Great Hall.

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