4 - Fred & George's Reputation

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Serena's POV:

The rest of my classes went pretty well. Turns out, Malfoy is in a bunch of my classes. And I just realized how much of a git he actually is. Especially in potions. Everyone knows that he's Snape's favorite. It's pretty obvious and Snape doesn't even try to hide it. It's like he wants us to know that he favorites Malfoy. Then Snape let Malfoy choose a partner to make a potion with. And guess who he chose. Me. And then Snape assigned the rest of the groups. I sigh as I moved to sit down next to Malfoy. "Alright, we both know very well that you hate me. So why the hell did you choose me to be your partner?" I ask. "To get on your nerves," he answered simply. "Say, are you any good at potions?" he asked. "I'm .... decent," I say. Potions isn't that hard. To me, it's like making batter for a cake. And since I love baking, I guess I love potions. "Perfect! So, I'll go get the ingredients and you can do everything else," he said. I frown. Great, I'm stuck with doing all the work.

Then in Defense Against the Dark Arts, we battled a boggart. I think Professor Lupin is probably my favorite teacher. But I haven't had Transfiguration yet, so I'm not sure. Feeling pretty wiped out, I headed back to the common room. "Fortuna major," I mutter and the portrait swung open. As soon as I step through the portrait hole, two pairs of arms grab me and lift me off the ground. Fred and George place me on the sofa. The twins spoke. "Say, Serena, are you hungry?" "Because we were thinking of going into the kitchen to steal, I mean get some food." "And we thought, Serena must be hungry, we mustn't let our Serena starve." "So we came back up and guess who just happened to walk through the portrait hole?" "You! So we grabbed you and placed you on this sofa and here we are now." I look at them and start laughing. "Slow down, I can't keep up with the speed or energy. And yes, I am hungry." "Perfect! Let's go to the kitchens right now." Fred exclaimed. "Wait. The kitchens? Are we even allowed there? Let alone steal food from there!" I say with my eyes wide open. "Relax, don't worry. Besides, no one's going to be surprised. We've got a reputation for this type of thing going for us." George says. And with that, the twins pulled me off the couch and brought me to the kitchens.

We were greeted by tons of house-elves. "So what do you want, Serena?" Fred asked. "Hm, I could really go for some fries right now," I say slowly. George tells the house-elf in front of him to get some fries for us and within minutes I had a full plate of fries in my hand. We left the kitchen and headed outside near the lake where George says is the "perfect place to celebrate a successful break-in to the kitchens". On our way there, we bump into Malfoy and some Slytherin named Blaise Zabini. "That's a nice plate of food you've got there. How'd you get it? Did you sneak into the kitchens and steal it? I wonder what Professor McGonagall will feel about that," Zabini says, smirking. "Oi, leave her alone Zabini unless you want to wake up drenched in a bucket of cold water!" George yells. "Is that a threat, Weasley?" Zabini spat. "Sure is. No one insults our precious Serena," Fred answered. "Hey Weasels, how about you stop hanging out with McGonagall. We don't want you turning her into a blood traitor too!" Malfoy shouted. "Oh, not another one!" Zabini whimpered, pretending to faint. "Guys, we should just leave," I say to Fred and George. "Oh no you don't," Malfoy says heading over to you. "What if I said, I wanted some fries?" Malfoy says while smirking. "You're free to have some. Just leave us alone after that," I say quietly. Malfoy reaches for a fry, eats it, and grabs the whole plate from you.

Fred and George turned so red that their faces could match their hair. "Give that back to her," George growls. Malfoy dumps the plate of fries on the floor and says, "Too late." Fred is about to throw a punch at Malfoy when I grab his arm and hold him back. "Guys, let it go. It's just a plate of fries. We can always go and get some more." I say. I seriously did not want them fighting about me. "Let's actually go and get another plate right now. Please?" I ask. They don't listen to me. I grab their hands and drag them away. "Yeah, that's right! Listen to your girlfriend!" Zabbini yelled. I feel my cheeks turn red and accidentally loosened my grip on Fred. Before I can stop him, Fred runs towards Zabbini and punches him in the jaw.

We were sitting outside Professor McGonagall's office waiting for her to let us in. "You guys shouldn't have done that. Not for me at least. I'm not worth all that trouble." I say quietly. George turns to look at me and says "You know, you doubt yourself too much. You see yourself as so much less than what you actually are. And we know that we've only known each other for a day but it feels like we've known you our whole lives." "Yeah, you're starting to seem like a sister to us. Besides, it was worth it. I've been waiting to punch Zabbini for so long. And you gave us a good reason and the perfect chance to!" Fred exclaims. "Yeah, but I still wish you didn't get in trouble for me. And we're gonna lose house points too." I say. "Oh, it's not much trouble. Besides who says we're getting in trouble? It is your aunt anyway." George replies. "I doubt that's gonna matter, much less make a difference," I mutter.

You hear your aunt's voice, "Mr. Weasley, you can come in. Bring the other two in with you." We head into my aunt's office. It was a nice and cozy room with armchairs, a desk, and a fireplace. "So what is with the fight that happened by the lake?" McGonagall asks. "Oh right. It was outrageous!" George exclaims. "Downright terrible, professor. They were bullying poor Serena over here!" Fred continues. My aunt gasps and turns to look at me. "And may I ask who bullied you?" she asks. "Well, I wouldn't really say bully," I mumble. "It was those awful Slytherins, Malfoy and Zabbini!" George interrupted. "We had to avenge Serena over here. And since it was for a good cause, we probably don't deserve any punishment or house points lost." Fred said with hope in his voice. "In that case, we'll be on our way, professor!" George said, standing up. "Sit back down!" McGonagall hissed. "Professor Snape has already requested for you three to have detention with him next week, so you will not need detention with me. However, you have just lost your house 15 points. Well, that seems to be all for now. You may go."

"Detention with Snape! That's terrible." Fred complained. "What are you so worried about?" I ask. "It's not us we're worried about. It's you!" George says. "What about me?" "Snape's detentions are the worst, and you shouldn't have to experience one," Fred says. "Don't worry about me. Aren't you guys upset that you got in trouble?" "Blimey, no! It improves our reputation." Fred says. "We're one step closer to becoming the best pranksters in school!"

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