31 - The Department of Mysteries

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Serena's POV:

The thestrals got us to London in no time. We get off the thestrals and follow Harry into a telephone booth. We enter an atrium and Harry leads us into a corridor with a dozen doors. As soon as Neville closed the door we entered through, the doors started rotating. Harry continues walking and we follow him. We entered a bunch of rooms, none of which, according to Harry, were correct. Finally, we enter a room filled with crystal spheres on shelves. We realize that Sirius was not there, however, we find a sphere with Harry's name on it. Harry takes it, and a voice behind us says, "Very good, Potter. Now give that to me."

Deatheaters flood the room and I recognize one person in particular. Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. "Hand me the prophecy, Potter," Lucius instructs. A woman appears and Neville tenses beside me. "You need more persuasion? We'll take the small one. Let him watch as we torture the little girl," the woman says. I recognize her now. She was Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry continues talking and then he yells, "NOW!" I take the hint and I yell, "REDUCTO!" along with the others. "RUN!" Harry yells and we take off in different directions.

I run down the aisle with Luna and Luna hits a Deatheater with a Stunning spell. We run into a room and I close the door behind me. I'm out of breath, but I manage to ask Luna if she's okay. "Never better. This is actually quite exciting," she says in her dreamy voice. I give her a small laugh.

A few minutes later, we hear footsteps coming. I give Luna a worried look and my grip on my wand becomes tighter. The door bursts open and four Deatheaters come running in. Luna yells, "STUPEFY!" and I yell, "Locomotor Mortis!" Two Deatheaters fall on the ground and I shoot another stunning spell on a third Deatheater. I miss and I'm about to shoot another one when someone grabs my hand. I curse under my breath. "Now, that's enough for today. Poor Draco, he'll be heartbroken when he finds out what I'm going to do to you and all of your friends." I look up into the cold grey eyes of Lucius Malfoy. The other Deatheater managed to grab Luna and they brought us back into one of the rooms we entered with Harry earlier.

Lucius hands me over to another Deatheater as he welcomes Harry. "Your race has been run. Now hand me the prophecy-" Lucius starts to say. "I'll give it to you if you let everyone go," Harry says. Lucius gives a short laugh. "You are in no position to bargain. In case you haven't noticed, you are alone." Lucius says.

"No, he's not! He's still got me!" Neville shouts. He starts yelling, "STUBEFY!" I remember how that was one of the few spells he couldn't master back in the DA meetings. A large Deatheater grabs Neville as Lucius says, "Now you're really alone. We've got Longbottom as well." Bellatrix perks up. "Longbottom? Why I had the pleasure of meeting your parents..." she says. "Someone stun him!" a Deatheater yells as Neville kicks him. Bellatrix protests, "No, no, no. Let's see how long until Longbottom cracks like his parents..." Then I realize that it was Bellatrix who made his parents go crazy with the Cruciatus curse. My aunt had told me what happened to Neville's parents but never told me who did it. "...Unless, Potter hands us the prophecy?" "DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM!" Neville yells. Bellatrix raises her wand and says, "Crucio." Neville screams in pain and when Bellatrix lifts her wand away, he is sobbing on the floor. I felt so helpless. I desperately wanted to go and help Neville but with this stupid Deatheater holding me, I couldn't do anything.

Then, high above us, two doors burst open. Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley enter the room. The Deatheater holding me lets go and I run over to Neville. "Are you okay?" I ask, kneeling down next to him. Neville nods as he tries to sit up. A Deatheater is coming towards us so I yell, "STUPEFY!" Harry runs over to me and hands me the glass sphere. "Take this and get Neville out of here. If you find Ron, take him with you too," he says quickly. I help Neville up and we head to the door. I felt a sharp jab in my back and someone grabs me. "Give me the prophecy right now and no one has to get hurt," Lucius snarls in my ear. "You leave me no choice then, McGonagall. This is your last chance to give me the prophecy." "Neville!" I shout, getting his attention. I throw the sphere to him as Lucius shouts, "Crucio."

A pain erupts inside of me. It felt as if my bones were on fire and I couldn't stand it. My vision blurs as I watch Neville jump. Then the pain stopped.

My vision comes back and I see Neville on top of Lucius, beating the life out of him. Neville then rushes towards me helps me sit up. "You okay?" he asks. I nod and I give him a weak smile. He says, "Here, let me help you up." He helps me up but I fall over again. I suddenly realize that my ankle was swelling. "Neville, I think I sprained my ankle. But that doesn't matter. Where's the prophecy?" I ask. Neville looks at me with worried eyes. "I-I dropped it and it smashed. You threw it to me and I was about to catch it when I saw you fall to the floor. I forgot about the prophecy and I kind of tackled that guy," he says in an apologetic tone. "Are you alright though?" he asks. "Don't worry about me. I don't have what they want anymore. Go on and help the others," I say. Neville looks at me and hesitates. I give him a reassuring nod and he runs to help the others.

After a while, people start coming back into the room I was in. Lupin comes and helps me up. "Oh, dear. You're going to have to see Madam Pomfrey about that ankle of yours," he says.

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